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Last night I had a dream. I was at some boarding school in a place that was always gloomy and cloudy and rainy. I was walking to the school and I wore a long black trench coat and black ankle boots. Or was it all black converse hightops? Or Doc Marten boots? Idk some black shoe. The trench coat had a tall collar and it was almost cape like. I held it tightly around my body at times like a cloak. Honestly it wasn't really a trench coat more like a trench cloak. Anyways. In this dream I had really dark heavy eyeliner on, possibly a representation of my desperation to be Chrissy Costanza, possibly my inner emo/goth/punk girl showing on the outside. And as I always do when I walk, I was thinking, the kind of really deep thinking where you sort of disappear from the world and just contemplate all of life and the universe and everything in it, but your thoughts are abstract, not of tangible, worldly things. But suddenly my thought bubble is burst when some annoying idiot starts to look at me and try to match my walking pace. I've been told I'm a fast walker, and can walk as fast as some people can run. I feel their eyes on my so I glare at them from behind my trench cape, noticing it's this boy I've never met before but seems to go to the same school, judging by the uniform. Plus he has a nice black leather jacket on. Yeah we have decent uniforms. Deep maroon skirts and ties and with white shirts and the crest sewn on because I guess it's a prestigious school. We are only allowed to wear black or school colors. So this dude right, this annoying butt head who is interrupting my thinking time just up and challenges me to a walk off. So obviously I start to walk faster and so does he and we're locked on this competition until my legs are burning and his face is contorted in concentration and then he cheats by running. I don't want to follow Mr. Psycho over there so I just keep walking. The next scene I'm in the common room of my class and I'm in an arm chair laying horizontally, legs and head over the arms of the chair, just really bored and tired already of everyone and everything, when the dude shows up, hair and clothes totally soaked with rain making a dramatic entrance by swinging the doors open and shaking his head to get the water off. I see something I haven't noticed before. He has blue hair, the kind of really dark almost black blue, but at the same time in the light it could be bright and sort of vibrant. My hair is black like my soul, and long, finally, as I've been wanting to grow out my hair, and since it's a dream, my hair is glossy and not messy, but it's also not flat against my head boringly making me look like a nun. The next scene we're having a conversation but I don't know what on. Also I don't remember what was said. And I remember it was sort of an argument also a lot of sarcasm involved knowing me. He had a sort of grin that curled slightly more on one end of his face and he was graceful like a cat and held an air of quiet around him but also respect. I'd never seen him before because he transferred from a different class at the school. Somehow we become friends and inseparable? I guess I could tolerate him if I tried. But I don't know where my dream goes past us becoming friends. AND the weirdest part was that I kept thinking of cats the whole time and we were all anime characters. I'd cast blue hair guy as Kirito from SAO. Idk who I'd be. Suggestions? I'm going to try and dream about this again maybe see where it leads and maybe turn this idea into a story. What do you guys think?

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