*44* Focus

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An hour later the bell rings and some of the students dip out while I, Meme, and Violet walk out together. 

"What do you have next, Allyira?" Violet asks. 

"I've got pottery next."

"So do I." Meme says proudly. 

"Me too. I think Jaxae does as well." 

As we are walking to our next class, Trinity comes up to me with attitude dripped off her and her arms crossed. I look at her wondering why she is in my face at this time and if it took her a long time to find me. 

"So, you're  Shakur's new ho, eh?" She taunts in her thick New York accent. 

"Hoe?" I ask tilting my head to the left. 

Meme and Violet looks between Trinity and I. Meme eyes like Trinity has lost her mind calling me a hoe and Violet looks as if she is ready to fight her. 

"Yeah, ho," Trinity repeats herself with more attitude. 

"Uhhh....oooh. No." I finally get it out and understand why she is calling me such. "No. I am a good friend of his. Very nice young man." I smile. "Shameful of what you did to let him go or make him leave." Sometimes when my anxiety isn't too bad, I can be a bit of a sarcastic ass. And I know that sounds backward, but it happens when I don't really too threatened by whoever is trying to put me down. 

Trinity's guard is removed as the hurt shines through her own eyes, but her stance is one of anger still. "Psh, you're nothing to him." She lashes.

I look to Meme, kind of thinking altogether. I remember Lele saying something like that to me a few days ago after I moved out of the dorm for Lele constantly stealing my things and lying about it. I couldn't take it anymore and after a few weeks of pestering the dorm managers and the head of the rehab, I got to be moved. Meme was there when her sister said it. I believe Meme read my mind as did Violet and we move onto our next class. 

"She's been around Lele," I inform my friends of what they already knew.

"Yeah, it's kind of sad, to be honest," Violet shakes her head as we enter the Pottery classroom. Every class except gym has a very peaceful vibe to it. 

We take our seats, enters the teacher, and he instructs us to get our current pottery projects and begin working on them with light conversation. Of course, I am making a vase, Shakur bought me flowers a few days ago and they are gorgeous. so, I wanted to design a vase for them, it's easier than having to go out and buy one on my part. 

Engrossed in my own mind about all that is going on with my life and my love life. I didn't realize that Mr. Tahoe was looking at me. I flinch and look at up him, "Yes, sir?"

"Great, you seemed a little zoned out." He smiles. "But, someone is here to see you." He informs me.

I raise my eyebrows and stand up from my stool and head over to the sink to wash my hands. "Who is it?"

"No idea. But, they are waiting for you in Dr. Axel's office."

I nod and exit the classroom.

With each step, I am growing more and more anxious to see who is supposedly waiting for me at Dr. Axel's off. I am there and as I look at the wooden door, I can hear two muffled voices talking. I cannot make out who they are saying, I put my hand on the knob and turn it. 

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