*15* Damnation

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"I have been talking to Dr. Patterson here about your issue." My father begins.

My heart begins to pound against my chest with anxiety of not knowing what he is going to say about what Dr. Patterson supposedly told him.

"And we think that you should go to Ravenhill Academy for troubled and/or pained teenagers. It's a school that specializes in suicidal teenagers and . . . "

"So, you want me to go to another school where teenagers kill themselves. There is nothing really wrong with me for me to go there." I declare knowing I am in denial. "They drug them up and make them act like robots. No way. No thanks." I gawk at their choice of sending me to another school. A school for sick teenagers nonetheless. Though, I do know that is where I belong, I don't want to have to go and change schools, then have to make new friends. Let me tell you, starting over is hard.

"Okay. Well, Allyira, they do not give you meds unless you need them and you don't need them. So, that does not apply to you." Dr. Patterson put in. Well, that eased me up a little about the place. She hands me a pamphlet with the picture of the school on the front. I take it and look at it. The school is huge, but I am not going to lie; the layout of the school itself is very attractive.

"This isn't one of those schools where it looks good on paper but when you get to the place, it looks a hot mess?" I question flipping through the small pamphlet.

"No, I went there a few days ago." My father admits.

I look at him. How long was he planning this?

He chuckles noting the look on my face. "I was there checking on one of my patients. He is going rather well."

I almost thought he made my choice for me, however, he knows that is a huge no-no for me. We have spoken about it plenty of times.

"How much time do I have to think about it?" I ask closing the pamphlet.

"Their next enrollment is in April but after that they are going to start graduating a few that have made true progress and they can function outside the school."

"April is when Caroline has her baby." I recall not too happy with this choice that has been brought upon me at the last minute.

"Right, they enroll after the baby is born, though." My father reassures me as he sits by me. "You can think about it, no rush. But, I believe you should go."

"What does mother think?"

"I hadn't discussed this with her just yet. I am not sure I want to do so at this moment." He hangs his head.

I want to inform father that mother needs her own help with drinking, but I know as a child it is not my place to speak on that matter.

"Allyira, it's not going to be that bad, I promise you." He hugs me. "Now, we have to go and try to break this to your mother." He stands up and grabs my bag.

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