*9* Carnage Of Agony

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The doctor, a female doctor enters the room with a clipboard in her arms. "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Kross." She greets my parents.

"Hello, Dr. Mason." My father greets happily, in turn, causes my mother to frown up.

My father turns to me. "Allyira, Dr. Mason is a colleague of mine. I know how you are about male doctors, so I got Dr. Mason for you, to check you out and make sure everything is alright."

Dr. Mason smiles at my father then looks at me wanting to check my heart, but I have the sheets so tight around myself, she looks at me and arches her brow. I slightly shake my head enough for only her to see.

"I won't come out until I see my brother." I nod my head towards my father. "I want to see my brother. I know you can make that happen." I know that is some stupid bullshit to request considering he is in jail and I had a feeling that it would be unreal for them to let him out just for me to talk to him.

"I will see what I can do." He says putting his arm around mother. She happily and jealously snuggles into my father. He lets her go and kisses my forehead, then leaves.

Sweat slides down my thighs; I flip the cover back once they are out of sight. Dr. Mason's blue eyes widen at the scars on my arms and thighs. I groan taking in the cool, fresh, sterilized hospital air. Being covered up was a mess for me to do. Dr. Mason examines my cuts, I flinch when she touches the two new ones I made earlier yesterday morning before school. I look up at her wondering what she thought of me, wondering if she would tell my parents what she sees.

"Please, don't tell my father," I whisper to her, my eyes swelling up with tears very ashamed of myself.

Her lips part, "I am going to have to, but until then, I won't. However, I need to check your vitals to make sure you're okay."

I nod as she takes my vitals. She tries to make small talk and avoid hurting me.

When she is finished, she puts two warm sleeve compressors on my arms. "They will keep your new cuts clean." She explains the situation of the compressors to me.

"Thank you."

She smiles and leaves the room. I know that my father will be very worried about my cutting habits and me. However, it is like an escape from the pain and hurt of the world. I grab the remote and turn the TV. on and flip through the channels, stopping at some old cartoons. I drift off to sleep.

Troubled -A Part of Dark like Me.-Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum