*37* Family Matters

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It was hard trying to get away from all the groups and my scheduling. After having that talk with Dr. Axel, I felt a whole lot better. Then group therapy, James talked about his family issues. I thought I had it bad; James' family truly cared nothing about him and showed it by dropping him off at some stranger's house in the middle of the night when he was only five years old. Gil did not want to share his family life, he always is so reserved. Lele told us any and everything about her family. At least she has a loving family. Lele mostly talked about the feuds with her twin, Meme. It was Maisie's turn; she spoke about her family and their own issues. She surely made herself out to be the perfect child until Lele called her on her own bull.

After that, it was lunchtime, Shakur was nowhere to be found in the lunchroom and I wondered if it was/is because of what he has to tell me. Lele, Jax, and Keiron say down and began to eat and chat about some up and coming event at the hospital. I really was not paying attention due to my mind being all wrapped up in where Shakur is and what he wants to talk to me about.

Art therapy came and Shakur is still nowhere to be found, so I approach Keiron.

"Where's Shakur?" I ask a little concerned.

He smirks, "No clue."

I can tell he is lying, but I do not push the matter. Instead, I just go to my corner and begin to draw, finishing drawing my worldly picture. The girl that I have helped before sits by me, I get a small glimpse of the drawing she is doing and so far some of what I have seen is colorful and the other part is dark, evil, and depressing.

"Hey, I never did get your name." I say as she settles in the corner with me.

"I am Avarie Wade. You?"

"Allyira Kross."

We nod. My mind is reeling as I shade in the last of my drawing. I, personally, do not think it is that good; my drawing. However, I continue to do a little more shading as Keiron comes and sits by us. Avarie immediately turns her nose up. The tension between these two is kind of killing my artistic vibe and me. I get up deciding that I am done, however, truth be told, I did not want to sit in between them.

Mr. Spaggiari looks up from his own drawing on his desk. "Ms. Allyira, are you done?" He asks me with a smile.

"Yes, I am." I hand him my huge sheet of paper.

He gently takes it and looks it over. His eyes widen then calm as he looks over the colors and shades. "This is very....professional, Allyira." He compliments still observing my drawing.

"Thank you." I nod.

"Mr. Spaggiari?"

The whole class looks back at the door to see Dr. Axel standing at the door.

"Yes, Dr. Axel?"

"I need Allyira, please."

My heart races as my nerves start to rile up. Mr. Spaggiari looks at me and nods. I walk with everyone's eyes on me, I feel as though I am doing the walk of shame or something. I get to Dr. Axel and my anxiety is getting worse, I begin to fidget with my fingers and try hard to think if I had done anything wrong to have her pull me to her office.

We get to her office and I am greeted by my brother, sister, and Grayson. Tears fill my eyes as we embrace each other. I wipe my eyes, "What are you guys doing here?"

"We wanted to visit you, but your doctor said visiting hours aren't until later on tonight." Caroline says holding Grayson who is wide-awake and tugging at Caroline's shirt collar.

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