*21* Change My Luck

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I most certainly did not want to go to this party alone, so I got Jaz and Parrish to come with me after their movie. Jaz looks so much happier without being under Noemi's control. Though, I am sure she knows this. Parrish is talking to one of his homeboys he seen when we entered the house. There weren't that many people here, maybe 20 or so. There is music, food, beer, wine, and people dancing in the living room. I thought it would be much livelier than this here, but I supposed a lot of people dropped their invitation the day of the fight. I had Jaz to come get me instead of waiting around for Noemi's brother who was already late. Surprisingly, my mother said I could go, but did not give me a time to be home.

I look at Jaz, "You heard about the fight?" I am not one to gossip, but I could not believe Noemi.

"Yeah, a lot of people told me that they weren't going to come because they lost respect for her. Especially for messing with Bao and stealing her boyfriend, Nico." Jaz informs. "But, I think a lot of students lost respect for Noemi ages ago."

"So, Nico was Bao's boyfriend?" I ask.

"Yeah, Nico dumped Noemi earlier that day...after lunch to be exact because he found out what he really was. So, at the end of the day, he went and apologized to Bao."

"Eesh." I exclaim. "Did she take him back?"

"Yeah, after she asked him if he slept with her. It was really nice and thank god, he did not kiss her." Jaz makes a funny face with her tongue sticking out.

I giggle, "Wait, why?"

"Heard she has infectious mononucleosis. Kissing disease." Jaz leans in whispering to me.

I gasp, "From who did you hear it from?"

"From her. I went to the doctor with her because she was complaining of a sore throat, headaches, and night sweats. So, we went and that's what she was diagnosed with."

"That's a shame. Do you know who gave it to her?"

"No, she probably does, though. But, that's what she gets for being fast." Jaz says.

I knew Noemi was fast, but catching mono is a different story and now I am wondering if all what Bao said is true. I have never really known Noemi to steal boys, she use to not be like that. My thoughts are interrupted by Noemi's brother; Felix Red sitting drunkenly by me. I tense up and scoot next to Jaz hoping she'll get the hint.

"Hello Felix." Jaz greets him.

"Sup Jaz. How ya been?" He asks taking a swig of his beer.

"Been okay, yourself?"

"Meh, I am living." He then looks at me and I can feel my eyes starting to water and my heart race. "I can't get a 'hey', Allyira?" His face nears closer to mine.

"Hello, Felix." I manage to mutter. I grab Jaz's arm and silently hyperventilate.

"Allyira, what's wrong?" Jaz asks in a bit of a panic.

"Probably too much to drink." Felix sys finishing off his beer.

"She doesn't drink, Felix," Jaz tells him matter of fact. "Come on, let's go to the bathroom, Allyira."

I get up and follow Jaz to the downstairs bathroom. She closes the door, locking it and runs the water in the sink.

"Allyira, what's wrong?" She finds a clean towel, wets it, and begins to wipe my face down a little.

The cool of the towel soothes my nerves a little. "Nothing. I got a little upset for a minute, is all."

"About your brother, still?" She guesses while drying my face.

"Yeah. I miss him and I don't know when he'll be out. It's very stressful to know he wanted to be in jail instead of out with us; the family." That's not a full lie. But, it's not the complete truth either.

"It's going to be okay. He isn't going to be in there for too long. You have to stay positive about these things, can't always . . . be. . . " she looks up at the ceiling trying to figure out a good word to tell me.

I smile at her. "It's okay, Jaz. I understand. But, that's my brother, you know?"

"Yeah, I know. You use to cling to him like no other. Both you and Caroline. But, now he's not here for you to do that, you have to make it on your own."

"I know. I think I am ready to go home now."

"Oh. Girl, I thought you would never say that." She giggles.

My eyes widen not knowing that she didn't want to be here either. "Yeah."

We leave the bathroom and there are now less than 20 people at the party. I look around and see no sign of Felix anywhere, I hope and pray we can get out of here without running into him.

"Okay, let me go find Parrish so we can go."

I nod as Jaz disappears down the hallway in search of Parrish. Feeling a little parched, I go into the kitchen. There are beer bottles everywhere, food on the floor along with plates and cups. I find a unopen water bottle in the refrigerator, I check it before drinking it. Taking a few gulps, I feel a little better. I feel sorry for whoever has to clean this mess up.Taking a breather, I look up and see Felix entering the kitchen. His eyes are staring at me like I am fresh meat, I tense up again.

He advances towards me, "We never got a chance to formally talk, Allyira." He slurs.

"Uh, I said hey to you." I try to move but he has me trapped.

"Well, yeah. But, we need to talk. Really talk." He smirks.

"There is nothing to talk about, Felix. Especially with you." I say trying to gain a backbone for myself.

"Oh, I believe there is something to talk about." He lowers his face to mine.

"No, there is not. Trust me." I turn my face and focus on everything in that kitchen besides him. "I want you to leave me alone and I know I have told you this before."

He chortles in a sick manner, "You did not mean that."

"Didn't I? Because I have not been here since I told you so. So, what does that tell you?"

"Try harder."

He tries to bend down for a kiss, I shake my head wildly. Sweat forms on my forehead and my mind races with the sudden form of a headache.

This is not happening, this isn't happening. He shoves me into the corner and proceeds to try and kiss me. No, no no no no! My mind screams in utter fear. Survivual mode kicks in and I kick him hard between his legs. With a pained and sick groan, Felix goes down to the floor into a fetal position with his hands cradling his crotch. Tears rolling down my face, I throw my still full water bottle at his head. He groans more as it clunks him directly in his eye.

Troubled -A Part of Dark like Me.-حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن