*1* Women Of Misery

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The last period of the day, I am waiting for the last bell to ring along with the rest of the anxious students. I do not know what to do. However, I do not want to go home, there is nothing there for me.

No one here needs to know that. I look to my left at my best friends; Jasmyne and Noemi. They wave to me and continue talking about some party that is supposed to be going on at Noemi's house this weekend.

Of course, I am invited but not sure, if my mother would let me go, I know that my dad will. The teacher drags on about chemical imbalances and what not; half the class isn't even paying attention.

The bell rings and everyone darts out of the classroom some even manage to knock over a few desk. I am the last one in the classroom. I take my time going to my locker and putting my books up, then go to the front of the school building and sit there.

My mother is picking me up today and I am excited because I could then ask her about the party at Noemi's house. Noemi and Jasmyne walk up to me.

Noemi is a peach tan color with brown curly hair and an athletic figure. Most of the boys want her on their team for sports. She also gained the nickname "Sporty".

Then my other girl, Jasmyne is a brown skin girl with multi-colored hair and a plump figure. She gets teased sometimes but she handles it very well.

Last, there is myself, Allyira Rose Ann Kross. I am black mixed with hispanic, and not many believe me because my skin color. My mom is Hispanic and my father is black. My figure is thick but I wear many baggy clothes to hide the figure because I believe I am fat, typical teenage girl issues.

"Are you coming to the party Saturday?" Noemi asks me.

I smile, "You know it. That shouldn't even be a question."

They titter and Noemi continues, "Well, the last two parties, you said you were going to come but did not."

I blink, "I did not have a ride, and on top of that my sister had to go to the hospital for a check up on her baby." I explain myself.

"You family has all that money and can't buy you a car?" Jasmyne asks.

"Jasmyne!" Noemi warns. "Look, are you going to be able to come or not? Because we can get you a ride if you need one."

I hang my head knowing Jasmyne is right and Noemi can make the ride happen. I look up, "I may need the ride. When does the party start?"

Noemi smiles, "Great. It starts at 9pm. I'll send my brother to get you."

My body tenses up and I nod stiff like, "Okay."

"Great." They walk off. Either they ignore my tensed up body or they did not see it.

The story behind Noemi's brother and I is not something I like to openly discuss now. I watch as the students one by one leave the campus with their parents, friends, or on foot.

By 5:30pm, the school has shut down the main entrance to the school due to some clubs starting. I sit there and continue to look at my watch, wondering where my mother could be. I know that I told her I wanted her to pick me up when she asked me earlier this morning.

6:29pm rolls around and the spring wind starts to whip hard around my windbreak, pink and green jacket. I stand up and begin my walk home.

Cars pass by me, rushing home to either rest up or make dinner. I had a few cars stop and ask me if I needed a ride home. I politely declined and they zoom off and I keep walking.

Two miles down, five more to go. I find a bus bench and sit down to catch my breath. I sniffle as the wind slaps against my face, I sneeze, and tighten my grip around myself with my jacket. I have no clue how I am going to make it home in time for dinner with the wind and what looks like rain.

Knowing my father's schedule, I take my cell phone out and speed dial my father.

It rings about five times and my father answers. "Yes Allyira?"

"I need a ride home. Mama was supposed to come and pick me up from school but she never showed." I explain the situation to my father whilst shivering.

He hums, "Where are you now?"

"A bus stop."

"It's 7:05, Allyira!" He screams.

I had to take the phone away from my ear then put it back. "I know but-."

"Why didn't you call your mother?"

"You know she doesn't answer her phone." I say with a huff.

He groans knowing that is the truth, "Okay. I know there is only one bus stop near your school so . . . I will be there in ten minutes."

"Okay, thank you."


We hang up and I wait for my father. I believe that my mother forgot about me again. She has been forgetting about many things lately, such as my sister's last check up and my brother's court date. It has been an on-going process for quite some time now, three years at least.

At 7:16pm, what looks like my father's black and green Mercedes Benz stops in front of me. The tinted windows rolls down and it is my father. Happy, I grab my bag and get into the passenger side.

"Hey Allyira." He greets me pulling off once I shut the door.

"Hey father. Sorry. I know that you were probably in a meeting or something." I say putting my seatbelt on. I know he hated it when anyone pulls him out of an important meeting. He has yelled at mother for it a few times.

"No meeting today, Allyira. Just a few payments and bills. That's all." He rustles my hair.

I cringe for I hate it when he did that, but it makes him happy to do so.

We arrive at a medium sized two-story house with a small pond off to the side near the basketball and tennis court that was custom made by my siblings and me.

I get out the car and go into the house. Entering into the living room, I find my mother passed out on the sofa with a bottle of vodka on the floor. My father comes in behind me and sighs at the situation of his wife.

"Allyira, go upstairs and get your homework done."

"Okay." I do what I am told, I but stop halfway on the stairs to see my father picking mother up and carrying her to their bedroom.

I continue up the stairs to my own room, across from it is my sister's room.

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