*2* Sibling Trust

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As always, my sister is blaring music behind her door. I do not even attempt to knock on her room door; she would not be able to hear me knocking anyway.

I go into my room, which is clean; I sling my bag on my bed, and turn my flat screen on to the weather channel along with the news channel. No kind of cartoon entertainment to distract me from working. I am a straight A student at Willow Park High School yet, I am spoiled as hell. Nevertheless, lately that . . . the spoiling part has been dimming down a little because of my mother's medical expenses.

While in the midst of doing my Forensic Science homework, a knock on my door interrupts my train of thought on an answer. I get up and open my door to see my brother. He is tall like six feet even with dirty brown hair and the same complexion as myself.

"Sup, Allyira. Heard mom forgot about you, again." He informs.

I am not sure how he gets his information when he was not even there. However, it creeps me out how he just knows so much but won't go to college.

"Yeah," I cut my eyes at him and go to sit back on my bed with my homework.

"So, what's up?"

"You could have called me. I would have picked you up, you know that." He enters my room and closes the door.

I sigh, "I know that but your Jag got totaled remember?"

He chuckles and looks around my room as if he is scared to touch anything or sit down. "I got another one. It's around back I hadn't told dad about it yet."

"How did you get that?" I turn to my window and snatch my blinds back and sure enough, there is a Jag setting in the backyard. I can't see the color because it's dark outside. I sit on my bottom and wait for him to explain to me how he managed to get it.

"Someone sold it to me for eight grand and I bought it. I have been fixing it up. I bought it . . . last summer. It's almost done, I just need to do the fuel pump and it's good." He says excited about the car.

He loves to fix on cars. It has always been his thing. He fixed father's Mercedes Benz within a week and the neighbor's Honda. It's a passion of his.

Like music is our sister's specialty and mine is art; finger painting is my specialty. I have a lot of my artwork up around my room and I am proud of it. I hope that one day I can be a famous painter or something in that area.

"You know father would have bought you another car."

He shakes his head, "No, he'd just make me work for it or something like that. I am not up for that anymore. It was fun while I was in high school but now," Bradly continues to shake his head, "now; it's not fun at all."

I understood where he is coming from. Father never did that to me; made me work for what I wanted or just so father could buy me something. All I did was ask him. But, I do keep my grades up.

"Do you need help with your homework?" Bradly asks sitting by my side.

"Not really, but you can help anyway."

We smile. My brother and I are very close and have been for a very long time. I can tell him any and almost everything and he'd give me a very blunt answer with a dose of tough love. No matter what the topic is.

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