*26* Decay Of Reality

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It's near noon by the time I made it back to the office where I left my father in tears. I walked around the campus and just thought about a lot of things. Honestly, I got lost. When I arrived at the office, my father engulfs me in a bear hug.

"You came back." He smiles through his tears.

"Yes, I did. Can't really go nowhere else. It's just nothing but mountains beaches . . . mostly mountains." I say in a monotone voice.

"Well, Mary Lyn is here to get you settled in." He tilts his head towards Mary Lyn.

She waves at me and I wave back not wanting to be rude. It's not her fault that I am here. But, her cheery attitude irks my nerves a little. "I will check everything then get you checking into your dorm room." Mary Lyn informs me as she puts on gloves.

"Alright." I sit down as Mary Lyn get herself situated with her medical materials to check my vitals.

"Allyira, I am sorry." My father apologizes to me. "I got scared."

I know he cares for me and worries about how I deal with certain things, but I still feel as though he went against my wishes and admitted me here. How can I not be mad?

"Its fine, father." I say my voice low.

"It is not. I...I shouldn't have done what I did."

"What's done is done." I try to make him drop the matter.

He sighs.

"Blood pressure is good. We just need to check your weight, height, and temperature before getting to the paperwork of which unit to put you in." Mary Lyn says. "Follow me, please."

I and my father follow Mary Lyn into the nurse's office, it resembles a doctor's office for small children with funny and childish posters, children band aids, and a scale of pain 1 being least hurt with a smiley face and 10 being the worst hurt with a red mad frowny face and tears. I stand by the height tape on the edge of the door, straight.

"About five feet and three inches tall." Mary Lyn records it in my profile folder. "Good." S

This just got real for me.

"Step on the scale for me, please."

I sigh and step on the scale and watches the digital numbers load up in fear. I never want to be too bug but thanks to my father's side that's a little too late for me.

"178.8." Mary Lyn beams. "That's really good."

"Are you pulling my leg, Mary Lyn?" I question wondering if she's treating me like a child. If so, I don't need it.

"No, considering your hips and breasts." She points out.

I cover myself as if I am naked. My body figure isn't something I really like to openly discuss to anyone. I don't starve myself but I don't eat much either. Just not hungry sometimes, you know.

Mary Lyn slaps my arms playfully, "Girl please. You are fine." She titters.

My father arches his brow. \

"Now," Mary Lyn continues, "time for your temperature then your clothing."

She takes my temperature and then leaves the room for some clothes.

"What did you tell mother?" I had to ask him.

"I hadn't told her anything about this, however I am sure she will ask when I come back home with you."

I scoff, "That lady only cares about alcohol and all that. She doesn't care about us, her children." I spit the horrible truth.

"She loves you guys. Just in her own way." He tries to defend his wife, which is understandable.

I purse my lips together annoyed at my father, he always tries to make excuse for mother. "She needs help more than I do." I mutter.

"What was that?" He scolds me.

Mary Lyn comes back in with two pairs of clothes including shoes without laces. "Okay, I found some clothes that are your size unless you have your own clothes."

I look to my father, he answers, "No." in shame.

That really boils me over. I have got none of my own personal clothing or anything. I can feel my face twisting up in disgust for my father. I stand up and politely take the clothing, I have practiced over the years to not take my anger out on the ones who do not deserve it.

"I am ready to be take to my dorm room or whatever else there is to do." I can hear the aggravation seeping through in my own voice.

"Uhh, okay. Do you want to say bye to your father?"

I shake my head. "No, thank you."

"Ah. Okay then. You are free to leave, Mr. Kross." Mary Lyn says as I walk out the door with my father and Mary Lyn closes the door.

"Allyira, I am sor-."

"It's fine. I wanted to at least pack my things, but no. . . . That did not happen at all." How could it when I was knocked out cold from too much blood lost?

"I was told to go ahead and take you here."

"Without my clothes? Would it have killed you or me if you just stopped by the house for five minutes so I could get my things? NO! I would not have. Now, I am here with granny panties and a sports bra that I am sure doesn't even fit half of one of my boobs." I shout then walk off not sure where I am supposed to be going. So I stop at the end of the hallway that's split into two other hallways and wait for Mary Lyn.

"She's a girl, Lucas. She needs her things." I hear Mary Lyn trying to soothe my father. I want to look back but I do not. Call me cold but all I wanted was my own clothes.

"I know but---." My father begins.

"You can bring her things here tomorrow or whenever. Because I know that she wants them and usually things from home makes them feel a lot better." Mary Lyn soothes.

"Alright. Thank you." My father appreciates Mary Lyn's advice.

"Also, you may want to give her a few days, before talking to her. She'll need time to adjust to here and calm down."

"Yeah. I figured that. I will bring her things tomorrow. I don't want her mad at me forever." He jokes. "Thank you again, Mary Lyn."

I hear his foot steps depart and Mary Lyn appears beside me. "Are you ready for the paperwork and your assigned room and counselor?" Mary Lyn asks with a very warm smile. Her smile eases my anger.

"Yes, I am."

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