*11* The Talk

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He pulls up a chair next to my bed and that's when I noticed the police officer outside my room door.

"Hey!" I shout at him.

The officer, male; turns around to face me and I motion him to close the door. He shakes his head, I get up angrily, limp over to the door and slam it shut before he could say another word to me. I limp back to my bed and sit on the edge of it, facing my brother and sighing.

"I know. . ." He looks at the sleeves. "Nice sleeves. What are they for?"

I open my mouth, "I . . ." Then shake my head not wanting to answer that question.

"It's okay, Allyira. So, Father said you wanted me here." Bradly informs playing with some loose string from the covers.

"I wanted to speak with you, but now I can't remember what I wanted to say now." I sigh getting back in bed. "Did the doctors tell you what was wrong with me? I tried to get them to tell me earlier this morning, but they won't tell me anything."

He chuckles, "This is father's hospital. They will tell him but no one else. However, I got them to tell me. Basically, your stress levels were high, along with your blood pressure. But, they found that you've lost a lot of blood in some way."

Tears roll down my face and I wipe my eyes with the sheets of the hospital blanket. It smells of Clorox. The nurse peeks in, "Sorry to interrupt, but do you need your sheets changed?"

"Yes, please." I nod.

Bradly blinks as she unhooks some tubes and lets me go while CNAs come in and change my sheets. This gives me and my brother the chance to walk around. We get to the hospital track that's located downstairs on one of the middle levels. A few sick and elderly patients are walking slowly around the 1-mile track. Bradly and I walk slowly, as I try to figure out how I am going to him that I have a different way of releasing my pain and frustration.

"I know, Allyira."

I stop in the middle of the track to my surprise. Bradly pulls me to the side when he sees an elder racing in his wheelchair with another elder; they are laughing and having a great time. I come back to the realization of where I am.

"What do you know?" I ask leaning against the wall.

"You cut to release the pain and frustration of life." He tells me.

My mouth hangs open. "What...How?"

He rolls his own left sleeve to reveal his own forearm excluding where his wrist is, his forearm is all cut up with scars. I look at each scar some. . . most have healed nicely. I want to touch them, but he pulls his sleeve back down.

"I started when mother forgot me at elementary school one day. It got dark so the teacher that was left to watch me and wait with me had to take me home. Mother was knocked out on the floor, she'd soiled herself, and the whole house smelled of it and alcohol."

We are walking as he went on. "It was so nasty. I had to always either clean her up myself if I could not get dad on the phone or wait for him to get home."

It is a relief to know I am not alone and now I wonder if Caroline does the same thing to cope or something else.

"Mother needs to clean her act up. Especially with Caroline having her baby soon." I inform dryly. I know that it is not going to happen anytime soon. But, I can hope, right?

Troubled -A Part of Dark like Me.-जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें