*34* Escaping The Graveyard

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After a few minutes of looking for Lele, I find her outside in the garden, cutting some roses. I amble up to her.

"Are you okay?" I ask her.

"No, those things he said were very hurtful to me. How come you didn't defend me?" She turns to me very much in tears.

"Because I didn't know anything about that part of you two. Nothing, so I could not put my input in, Lele." I quickly defend myself; I chew on my bottom lip.

"I see. But, I still wanted to hear what you thought of me." She waits while smelling the roses.

I sigh. "Why are you so worried about what others think about you, Lele? What they have to say should not matter in any way, shape, form, or fashion."

"You sound like my therapist." She scoffs and turns back to the rose bush. "I guess it is to see myself in their eyes," She answers my question. "I want to be good enough."

That is where I see a lot of myself in Lele. "I can relate to that. But, Dr. Axel has said it only matters how I see me. So, it should only matter how you see yourself." I say with a pleasant smile.

I watch Lele register what I have just told her. "Yeah, maybe you are right."

I look at my shirt and on the sleeves, there are spots of blood. At this point, I have got no clue what to ask her. I sigh and just wonder how deep has she cut to numb the pain when others are always talking bad about her. More so, how deep have I cut when the stress gets too overwhelming? I cannot imagine.

I too turn to the roses and smell them.

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