*14* Vent

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In my midst of getting some of my things packed, enters Jazmyne. I look up as she closes the door behind her. Noemi is nowhere to be found, this is a rare thing considering Jazmyne is always trailing behind Noemi like a lost puppy.

"Hello, Jazmyne." I greet her.

The look on her face is on of grief. "What's wrong?"

"I hate Noemi. I fucking hate that bitch!" She shouts.

I gasp as my eyes widen. I try not to laugh because I knew this was coming sooner or later. "Why? What happened?" But, I understand that this is a serious moment for Jazmyne.

"She is always talking down to me as if I am incompetent or some shit. Always thinking, I need her for something. No!" She rants.

I sit on my bed. What some people do not know is that Jazmyne is actually on the Principal's Honor Roll List in school, but Jazmyne is not a show off about her smarts like Noemi is, or tries to be. Noemi is more street smart than book smart to be honest.

"I don't need her, Allyira."

"Then why do you go behind her like you do?" I want to take the question back as soon as it slips out of my mouth.

Jazmyne does not seem offended by it. "I don't know. I thought she was a good friend and all. She did a lot for me when she dated my brother. I felt like I owed her something, anything." She sighs disappointed in herself and sits by me. "But when my brother had told me what kind of crap she pulled in their two-year relationship. I wanted to snap her neck but still stayed around like an idiot."

"You are not stupid or any words that relate to that, you wanted a friend. Nothing wrong with that." I advise.

"I feel as though I ditched you to be a bitch just like her." She groans. "I am not bitch material."

I had to laugh. "No, you are not. But, you know you do not want to be treated a certain way and the way Noemi treats you, is that way you hate to be treated."

"What about you?" She asks me rubbing her hands on her jeans.

I jerk back a little bit. "What of me?" My mind is now forming an question to any type of question she is getting ready to ask.

"What do you think of Noemi?"

I shake my head. I know better than to answer that question with the truth of what I think. I have done something like that before and it has gotten back to the person and I lost them as a friend. "She can be overbearing with her attitude. However, she is a good person deep down, somewhere."

"Oh." She goes silent.

I know that is not the response she was looking for but I have known Noemi for a long time now and I know how she can be. But, this year she has been absolutely awful to everyone. There are some things about Noemi I can defend and somethings that I can not.

I look behind me and I see my father standing there adn talking to Dr. Patterson. He looks sad. Jazmyne looks back too. "That your father?"

I nod. "Have you ever met him?"


"Oh. I thought you have. Now is a great time." I smile to Jazmyne to cheer her up a little.

She smiles as well. Jazmyne is much like myself, sensitive yet tough skinned girl. She has been through a lot in her 16 years of life somethings a young girl should not have to go through. But, she comes out stronger and continues to.

My father enters my room along with Dr. Patterson.

"Allyira, how are you doing?"

"Good. I want you to meet my friend, Jazmyne. Jazmyne this is my father." I introduce them to each other.

My father smiles. "Nice to meet you, Jazmyne."

"You too, Mr. Kross." She stands and turns to me. "Thank you, Allyira for listening to me."


She leaves. My father closes the door and stands in front of me. I know this is going to be a serious talk.

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