*27* Parody Program

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The first day in the Ravenhill Academy was very rowdy. There were two fights at lunch and someone tried to break out during room time in the afternoon. It was just a hot mess. I had to speak to my counselor the next day due to all the paperwork taking a very long time to get processed so I can be put in the proper housing. Where I am now, is for all the real crazy teenagers. The ones that hit their heads on the walls and try to eat their own hands off. I was told to come back in a few days, due to them not having a counselor for me.

So, here I am. I sit in my counselor's offices, there are degrees of all kinds dealing with the brain and the behavior of children and young adults. I requested a female but Mary Lyn whom is my nurse says that it's sometimes hard to get what you request. I hope I can get a female. The door handle opens the door and in comes a mid-forty-year-old female with a lab jacket on and her brown straight short hair pulled into a neat ponytail.

"You must be Allyira," She asks warmly.


"I am Doctor Axel and I will also be your counselor." She sits down behind a huge marble desk and studies my file that was left on her desk. "So, why don't you tell me why you are here?"

"Don't you know?" I didn't want to explain why.

"It says it on your file. But, I sometimes find it better if I am told. So, I can understand it."

I am not understanding, but I answer my voice gruff, "I cut myself to relieve pain, hurt, and stress. Sometimes, when I am going through a panic attack or anxiety attacks."

Dr. Axel nods, "That's very common around here if you can believe that. But, bulimia has got it beat by two percent." She says writing on my profile.

"I guess." I shrug my shoulders.

"Tell me of yourself. Just a little." She listens.

"I am 17 years old. A junior. I love to draw, read, and write. I don't have many friends. My sister; younger had her first child a few days....weeks ago. My brother; older is in jail. My mother is an alcoholic though my father refuses to know or acknowledge it. My father works all the time between him and her, he is the only one that gives a crap about us." I spill out my whole life story in a matter of minutes. It actually felt really nice to get all of that off my shoulders, even if it wasn't the latter.

"Sounds like a very stressful environment to live in," She observes.

"It really can be. I just wish I could go about releasing the stress in some other way, other than cutting into my skin." I roll my sleeves up to show Dr. Axel my latest art work on my arms. She leans over the desk and examines my cuts and scabs.

"Wow. Those are really deep. They healed nicely, though." She runs her fingers over my arms. "Well, we are here to help you deal with this. Coping with stress and other worldly emotions."

I grin. "Great, because I want to be...me before this." I point to my arms.

"I understand. We here, we always want our teenagers and children to be successful and graduate from here." She explains. "We do have rules here, of course. Do you have your dorm room?"

"Room 167."

"With Lele Foster?" She questions. "She's okay?"

"Yes, she is good. But I was wondering if I was in the right dorm."

"You are. I can understand your concern. It was hectic when you came through because a few other new patients came through as well. Moreover, Lele, she is one of our best however, she reverts due to severe stress. However, she is still an awesome roomie." Dr. Axel beams at Lele.

If she is so great then why is she still here? I think to myself. "She's been good. Hadn't really spoken to her, really talk to her, you know."

"She's quiet and maybe she'll open up to you." Dr. Axel says jotting down more things.

"Not so sure, but I can try." I say.

Dr. Axel smiles. "Okay." She goes into a drawer, pulls out a small handbook, and hands it to me.

I take it and scan through it. "Rules?"

"Yes. Page 45. Also, code of conduct. Punishments and the severity of them. All of that; including the classes you can take. Also, I have a request for you."

"A request?" I look up from the book.

"Yes. Mr. Spaggiari. His art class is one of the most appreciated and life turning programs in Ravenhill. He does not request students, they request him. However, for him to request a patient is major. On top of that, you are a newbie."

She looks more excited than I am. Mr. Spaggiari had already told me he wanted me in his class and I see he is a man of his word now.

I smile very delighted. "What time do I go to him?" I want him to be my morning class instead of whatever else they have selected for me.

"Well, we haven't gotten your schedule filled out but once you look at the programs you want then we can help you move things around. We do have your transcript from the high school and you don't really need any general learning classes." She opens my folder to check to make sure she is right. "Yup. You are in many advanced classes. We do not get many like you in here."

"I really like art and digital arts. So. . ." I exclude the 'many like you' comment.

"I remember-."

A horrible bell rings cutting her off. It's a lot worse than the normal high school bell. Louder and more annoying, the bell is.

Once it stops, she continues. "Okay. That's the breakfast bell. If you want you can go or we can continue with this."

My stomach growls determining my choice for me. "I will go. I am a little hungry." I stand up.

She smiles at the sound of my stomach. "I will see you back at 10:15am. I will have your schedule ready by then."

"Great." I leave her office.

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