*22* Touring Thoughts

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"We have all sorts of classes you can take to get ahead in your schooling." The tour guide/counselor at the Ravenhill Academy tells me and my dad as we follow behind her throughout the main campus. "But, we have to know how your grades are at the school you are currently enrolled in before we can help you with that. Transcript, more so." She smiles warmly causing myself to smile genuinely. "Ravenhill has 6 dorms and over 20 courses for therapy." She continues to inform me.

The place looks like an expensive resort for vacation instead of a rehab faculity for troubled teens and young adults.

We move on to the other part of the campus and she explains about the dorm rooms and the rules to the dorms as well.

After last night at that party, I figured it was time for me to leave that place. Felix pressed his luck with me that night and that was not something I wanted to live through...again.


While Felix was on the floor, crying. I ran to look for Jaz but ran into Noemi instead. I tried to tell her what just happened but she had no interest and did not believe me. I don't know why I thought she would.

"My brother tried to molest/rape you?" Noemi doubted.

"Yes, just a few minutes ago." I say a little frantic and jumbled.

"Ha! Yeah, right. You are not even his type to even try anything like that on, Allyira. Get real and get your head out of your ass." Noemi laughs in my face.

When I got home, I asked my father to take me on a tour around the campus just to look and get a good feel of the place.


So far it is a very tranquil place, not a lot of things going on, small classes. With the dorms though, I will have a room mate which is not too bad. Really, I think that depends on who it is and if I can get along with that person. My father was very please when I asked him to take me on the tour around Ravenhill.

Nearing the end of the tour, I find myself liking the place even though I don't want to and just want to stay at my own high school. But, with the issues that I do have and the thing I tried to tell Noemi about. I am sure that I will be the laughing stalk of the class...or the entire school. That is something I do not want to endure.

"So, any questions?" She asks me and my father. "Oh yeah." She chuckles. "I just keep forgetting a lot of things. Ravenhill has at least 4 pools and is 4 stories high with dorms for all ages. So, if you are 13 years old, we have dorms for that age. It also has relaxation rooms and leisure time rooms, huge difference between the two."

"Um, I want to know how long is recovery?" I ask.

"Oh. It depends on the person really. Some get so comfortable here that they stay until they graduate college. Oh, we offer those too, on some programs."

I nod, fine with the answer I got. I know that this is going to be a whole new experience for me; seeing as how I know no one here, but I know this is for the best.

"Are you going to be okay?" My father asks me putting a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"I don't really know. I am scared for the most part." I confess my emotional stand point.

"I understand that, but I want you to make this choice for yourself." He smiles. "Because it is your life and I want you to be successful in it."

The counselor stands there and says, "If you want you can look around while your father and I talk."

I look at my father and he nods. I go off in some other direction, so they could talk about whatever.

Walking around the campus, I stop at a door that is decorated with various art works, the door is slightly open. The teacher; a male; looks up from his paper work, "Oh. Hello there."

"Hi. I didn't mean to disturb you." I say still hanging outside the door. "I was just admiring the art work on the door."

The Art teacher gets up and looks at the door. "Ah, yes. My students did that for an Art Contest and these were the winners."

"They are very beautiful." I admire the works.

"I am Mr. Spaggiari." He introduces himself.


"Are you new here?" He asks tilting his head.

"I am thinking about going here, actually."

He nods. "Well, I am sure Mary Lyn has given you the tour."

"She has. It's really nice here."

"Yes, it is. I took this job about . . . five years ago and I love it. There are a few students that get a little rowdy due to their issues, but other than that, it's peaceful here." He informs.

"I am thinking about it. I really am."

"Well, I hope you do pick here. Do you draw?"

"Yes, I can and do."

"Well come then. Let me see."

I follow him into the empty classroom and he gives me a black color pencil and computer paper. I look up at him and asks, "What should I draw?"

"Anything. But, let's see what you can draw in 5 minutes because I am sure you have to get back to your parents." He checks his watch.

In five minutes, I manage to draw a detailed alien picking a few flowers in outer space on Mars. I hand the paper to him after signing my name with a slight scribble and the date. He looks at it, then looks at me. "You made this? Just now?" He looked really doubtful.

I frown a little wishing I could read his mind. "Yes, I did."

"Fascinating. Simply prodigious!" He grins. "In five minutes. Wow. Yes."

I smile at his excitement of my art work, though I am not too sure if he is doing it to make me feel good or if he really is enthused about my work. I cannot tell.

"This is really stunning. Hopefully, if you choose to stay here I would like for you to be in my class."

I raise my eyebrows. "Are you serious?"

"Yes, I am." He stands and places it behind him on a wall with a few other delightful works of art.

"Thank you. I have to go. I am sure my father is looking for me now." I say as he walks me from out of his classroom.

"Alright. See ya around." He waves as I walk off.

I wave back.

I find my father and Mary Lyn sitting on the fountain side, talking. I walk up to them.

"I am back." I say.

"Great, cause it's time to go." My father says standing up. "I am hungry. Are you hungry?" He asks me. I nod smiling. "Great." He turns to Mary Lyn. "The choice is up to Allyira." He nods towards me. "If she accepts this then, we can come back and fill out the paperwork and get her situated into her dorm room."

I feel the excitement starting to course through my body. I do believe I want to do this. "What if I want to come home?" I ask.

"We can do that. If you do not want to stay then it's fine. But, you can go home a few weekends a month and holidays. However, if you break rules depending on the rules you break, the punishment will be no visitations for a period of time." Mary Lyn explains.

"Ahh, I see." I sigh.

"Well, you won't have that issue out of Allyira. She's an incredible young lady and talented." My father says proudly. Only if my mother saw me like my father does. I am sure somewhere deep down inside her, she does, under all the alcohol and stuff.

"Okay. I hope to see you soon, Allyira." Mary Lyn says as we part ways.

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