To New Beginnings

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Shakira’s POV 

I sat on the couch whilst Sammy and Liam walked out of the room, well, Sammy wasn’t really walking. More so stumbling in a half-coma because she was just woken up. Honestly, I was jealous. We had planned to have our weddings together and looked what happened? He had to go and propose are they were together what… Three months? 

Oh well, my love triangle was more than over… I think. 

“Shakira!” Niall complained, running into the room. “Come on stage with me? I know the show is over and the people are filing out but I want to do a duet with you!” I looked up and smiled. “Alright Nialler, I’ll do a duet with you, come on” I grabbed his hand and pulled him on stage; this outfit with the heels was getting uncomfortable but oh well.

“What are we gonna sing?” I asked, taking a microphone and throwing it at him; he caught it with perfect ease and smiled. “As long as you love me by Justin Bieber” Niall said, grinning.

“Of course” I said, winking, Niall did a sound check and the whole stadium was echoing with our voices. “Let’s go!” he cried, looking over at me. At this point he turned on the stereo when Justin Bieber’s song was playing. 

“We're under pressure, seven billion people in the world trying to fit in. Keep it together, smile on your face even though your heart is frowning” Niall and I sang in sync. 

By the end of the song we didn’t even know the rest of the boys standing there watching us in awe, I smiled and looked over at them. “How did we do?” I asked. 

“Wonderful!” Louis cried, clapping his hands like a seal. I couldn’t keep the smile off my face, I sat down with my feet hanging off the stage, and Niall sat down beside me. “Hey, thanks for doing that with me” he said, smiling.

“No problem, I was glad I could help you there. I had fun honestly.” He placed his hand on my thigh, I didn’t move but I felt like I couldn’t breathe, all those emotions and feelings were all flooding back and then the impossible happened, I kissed him.

Niall’s POV 

Out of nowhere, I felt her kissing me. It was unexpected but it felt right, and soon I found myself kissing back. My feelings for here were put into that kiss, honestly, I was in love with her and I couldn’t help it. When she lost the baby I was crushed, because I still thought of that baby as my own even though it was Louis’.

“Holy shit I’m so sorry, I don’t know why I did that” she said, pulling away and looking down at her lap, I tilted her head and kissed her again before staring directly at her. “But it felt right so feel free to do it again.” I said, laughing, she smiled. 

“I love you” she whispered, I didn’t quite hear her. “Sorry?” I asked. 

“I love you, she repeated, blushing. I stared down at my hands and smiled to myself, it was true, and she did love me. Sammy was right, she had told my Shakira was in love with me but I didn’t believe her because at the time, I had NO idea what to believe. 

“I love you too” I said, she looked up at me and smiled.

“Really?” I nodded. 

“Really, really. So I was wondering will you be my girlfriend again Shakira?” another smile spread across her face and she took my hand in hers. “To new beginnings” she commented, kissing my hand. 

“Is this really happening?” I asked, she nodded. “Yes, it really is” 

“What are we going to tell the guys?” I curiously asked, she shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know, just the truth possibly. But don’t worry, I’m sure Louis will understand completely” she gave a reassuring smile. 

“Alright, if you say so” even though inside I was dreading it.

“I know you’re worrying about it” she suddenly said, redness rushed to my cheeks. “How did you know? “ I asked, she giggled. 

“The tips of your ears go pink when you worry Niall” she couldn’t help but giggle, I loved her little laugh, it was one of the most adorable things about her. Heck, you could fill a book with things that were adorable about her; it would have to have a lot of pages though because the list would be endless.

“Come on then!” she said, standing up and pulling me with her. “We’ll tell Zayn, Harry and Louis in that case” I begrudgingly stood up but agreed and we walked in to see the rest of the lads sitting on the red, velvet couch.

“We have an announcement to make!” Shakira announced, they look at her in confusion. “Niall and I are back together” she had a cheery smile on her face. 

“You’ve got to be kidding me” Louis sighed, Shakira looked over at him with a confused look plastered over her face. “What do you mean Lou?” I asked, pulling Shakira to me by the waist. 

“You two are on, and then off, I dated her for like 2 weeks before she lost the baby and now… Now you two are dating again. Make up your minds!” he walked off in a huff and Harry gave us an apologetic look. 

“Sorry guys, he’s a little annoyed that someone threw a water bottle at him, it was kinda like Justin Beiber’s concert re-enacted again but with four other people, you know?” I nodded slowly. Shakira sat there confused. 

“And just when I thought the stupid love triangle was over” she muttered, looking down at her feet. 


A/N: Alright! Here is another update, it’s all about Niall and I, probably because 99.9% of the chapters have been about Sammy and I finally got off my butt to update :D I’m pretty happy with myself. 

Sorry for not including you Sammy, you and Liam already left so I didn’t see the point in doing so. I think I mentioned you in the beginning. 

Enjoy this chapter lovelies and I will hopefully update again… Tomorrow! Unless Sammy does then sure… There will be an update. 



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