Truth or Dare

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Shakira’s POV

Someone finally noticed us and we got back to Sammy’s house, her parents went on a vacation so you know, they weren’t there. On a better note. Harry was totally crazy, he ended up saying to Sammy that he wanted food... He should really tell her how he feels instead of being a shit all the time. If he does not soon Liam is going to take full advantage of it.

“I have cookies!” Niall called from the living room, I sighed. He always had food, which made him so cute. “I do like cookies” I said to myself, running out of the room and into the living room.

“I want a cookie” I whined. He dug his hand into the bag and passed me one. I gasped. “Are you feeling alright Niall? You just gave me a cookie without being reluctant!” he laughed.

“Maybe, I feel like sharing...” He said, winking.

“USE PROTECTION YOUNG ONES” Louis yelled from the bathroom.

“Niall’s sharing cookies!” I yelled, everyone came running in.

“Is it true? That our little Nialler is sharing cookies” Zayn said.

“Yes its true” I said holding up the cookie and biting it, smiling. “Give me a cookie!” Zayn cried, wild look in his eyes.

“No!” Niall yelled, running out of the room and into the bathroom. “Did he just go into the bathroom... With food?” Liam asked.

“He did...” I replied, walking up and knocking on the door. “Niall, come out please. With the food.” “No” he mumbled and we all laughed.

Sammy’s POV

“Sammy can I please talk to you?” Liam asked.I looked up from eating a cookie “Sure” I replied, smiling at him, we walked outside to the front lawn.

“I know this is sudden, but I feel like we have a deep connection. Sammy, I am going to have to be completely honest with you, I like you. Yes, I know that’s strange but it’s how I feel.” I look straight into his eyes and I crash my lips into his.

“Holy crap...” Liam said, as I pulled away. “What was that for? Oh God, I swore! I take it all back, but you can kiss can’t you?” he whistled. “Yes, you can”

“Would you care to be my girlfriend?” he asked, I nodded. “Sure” I replied. I could literally die right now... My next plan is to get Niall with Shakira.

We go back inside and we are holding each others hands.

“Whoah! What just happened out there?” Shak asked, looking down at our hands with her mouth open. “I think they’re dating” She whispered in Niall’s ear, well, loud enough for all of us to hear that is.

“Yes, I would like to introduce my girlfriend Sammy” Liam said as he put his arm around my waist, very protectively.

“YEAH! I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN!! WELL NOT WITH LIAM BUT I’M STILL VERY HAPPY FOR YOU!!” Shakira said, as she ran up to me and gave me a huge hug.

“Ca... can’t breathe” I said with not enough oxygen getting to my lungs. When she let go I crashed to the floor. “Sorry...” She said, bringing her hands to her mouth. “That was an accident! Is she dead? I’m a horrible person!”

“Li, can you please go get me a glass of water?” I ask my boyfriend... wow that is going to be something that I have to get used to. “You have a boyfriend...” Shakira said, sitting down next to me. “Sure do.”

“I envy you” she then commented, narrowing her eyes.

“Hey, you know me. I always have a plan” I said as I winked my right eye at her. “Well yeah, doesn’t necessarily mean that plan will work.” she replied.

“Let’s play truth or dare!” I yelled, surprisingly, the boys agreed and the next thing I knew, we were in a circle on the floor of the living room.

“Sammy, you start since this was your idea” Louis said and I nod in agreement.

“Zayn, truth or dare?”

“Truth” he replied.

“What is your current favorite song?” I asked.

“Call Me Maybe” Zayn replied and we all laughed. Then we burst into song. A few minutes later the game continued.

“Sammy, truth or dare?” Harry asked.


“Are you a virgin?” Harry asked very curious.

“Yes” I said very quiet. “Of all the things I didn’t know about you... It had to be that. Samantha, why didn’t you tell me?” Shakira cried, leaning her forehead on Niall’s shoulder.

“I was going to tell you” I retorted. “I just wanted to keep it a secret for a while”

“Here’s your chance Liam” Louis said elbowing Liam suggestively.

That was it I could not take it anymore, I got up from my seat and ran into my bedroom.

Liam’s POV

“Well done genius” I mumbled, he shrugged his shoulders. “Sorry, it seemed appropriate” he replied.

“Sammy’s kind of scared of that kinda thing...” Shakira said, looking at Louis. “You need to understand Lou that some things shouldn’t be said. I understand thats the male testosterone thing coming out, but stop thinking with the wrong head. Yes, I went there”

“Shakira, the hell?” Niall said, she giggled.

“Sorry, I saw it in a picture once. Girls think with their hearts, guys think with their heads. Blah... Blah.. Seriously though Lou, go apologise.” he nodded and walked away.

“Will she be alright?” I asked Shakira, she nodded.

“She has her moments, as do I. When you saw me in mini shorts, I was embarrassed and ran, it’s an instinct”

“She’ll be back soon I hope” I said, worry pouring over my face, judging by Shakira’s facial expression, she was sick of all the sadness and stuff.

“Sammy, we have cheesecake!” she called, Sammy came running back into the room. “Really?” Sammy asked, excited look on her face.

“Nope, plonk your ass next to your boyfriend. We have a game to play”

Indead of sitting next to me, I pulled her onto my lap and held her close.

“You're not going anywhere” I said as I whispered in her ear. “Shakira, truth or dare?” Sammy asked, looking over at a distracted Shakira, who was looking down at her feet.

“What? Huh? Oh... I see how it is. Pick on the distracted one that has no idea what’s going on. Anyway, I choose truth”

“What’s something no one knows about you?” I asked, she looked down at her side and lifts up her shirt to reveal a tattoo of a sakura tree with the words ‘Stay Strong’ underneath.

“When did you get that shit?” Sammy cried, eyes widening.

“Sammy, we have been friends for over seven years and I got this three years ago. You have seen me in a bikini for three summers and you have never noticed it... wow” Shakira said as she face palmed herself.

“Oh...” she replied. “Put down your shirt... Niall’s drooling and your superman bra is showing” Shakira went red and pulled down her shirt.

“I saw you looking.... Louis!” he blushed

“Well I’m tired, I’m going to bed. Night guys and Shak” Sammy said as I grabbed her hand and followed her.

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