The Dress

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Liam’s POV

“Hey lads, I just got a text from Sammy” I say as I unlock my phone.

“I swear Liam, if she says she is pregnant I am going to kill you” Harry says and I gulp. What if she is? Am I ready for this?

“Just read it Liam” Zayn says and I open the message.

From SammyBear<3:

Shakira and I are going go out for a little while, we will be at the concert. Please don’t worry about us. Love you <3

I read it out loud.

“Where do you think they are going?” Louis asks.

“I don’t know maybe some food” I reply.

“I doubt it, I mean it could be an abortion clinic” Harry says.

“Harry thats just cold. Sammy would not do that without talking to me first. She is not that type of person and you know it” I say back to Harry in a very stern voice. I know that if Sammy is pregnant she would tell me.

“Are you going to text her back?” Niall asks.

“Ohh yeah” I pull out my phone and text her back.

To SammyBear<3:

That’s fine, text me if you need anything, love you too <3.

Sammy’s POV

From Li<3:

That’s fine, text me if you need anything, love you too <3

“We are all set, lets go” I say as I grab my sweatshirt.

“The limo will meet us up front” Shakira says as she closes the door.

After about a fifteen minute drive we arrive at Kleinfelds.

“Wow, I cannot believe I am actually here. This has always been a dream of mine to be a Kleinfeld bride” I say in awe.

“Yes I know it has been Samantha, but we have to go quickly” Shakira says she she opens the door and my mouth drops. There is wedding dresses all over the place.

“Welcome to Kleinfelds... are you Sammy? Liam Payne’s girlfriend?” The girl who works there asks.

“Yeah I am, I’m looking for a wedding dress. Do you have this Pnina Tornai gown?” I ask as I pull out my phone and bring up the picture.

“We do have that, follow me. My name is Molly by the way” Molly says as we follow her to the Pnina section of the store. There is so many dresses by her. I love them all. Maybe I will get two... nah that would be so much money. “Here is it”. Molly pulls out my dream gown.

“Can I try it on?” I ask.

“Of course, follow me again” Molly says and Shakira and I follow her to the dressing room. Once we get there Shakira goes and waits for me at the runway. Molly helps me get in the gown and it fits perfectly.

“This gown looks like it was made for you! Liam is not going to be able to take his eyes off you” Molly squeals. I could tell that he is a fan. We both walk out and I step onto the runway and look in the mirror. Molly is right, the dress fits me perfectly.

“SAMMY YOU LOOK STUNNING! YOU HAVE TO GET IT!” Shakira yells a little loudly.

“Shak look at the price.. $15,000” I say and my mood changes.

“Samantha look at me, Liam would want you to be happy right? Are you happy in this dress?” I nod. “Well there you have it, we will get it” Shakira says as we all head into the dressing room once again. I take it off and change into my clothes.

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