Home Movies

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Sammy’s POV

“Shak have you seen my pink lace bra anywhere?” I shout to Shakira from the other bedroom.

“Sammy remember it was in the wash” Shakira replied. Right that is where I put it after it stained my white tank top a few weeks back. Once I got it I head back to my bedroom and put it in my suitcase. I look over my first suitcase. I had all my tops, pa

nts, shorts, bikinis, and bras. I was all set with this one. I go into my closet and grab another suitcase. This was one was for all of my cosmetics. I grab all of my make-up, curling iron, straightner, and of course my pads and tampons. I zipped it up and headed back into my bedroom.

“Wow I have come such a long way, even in the past two weeks. I have a boyfriend. Not just any boyfriend, a WORLD famous boyfriend. The one and only Liam Payne” I thought to myself as I flopped down on my bed. I was so deep in thought that I did not even hear Liam say my name from the door.

“What?” I ask sitting up finally knowing that Liam is there.

“I said ‘do you need any help packing?’” Liam replied.

“That would be nice. I want to get some photographs” I said as I pull out the box that has been hidden under my bed for so long.

“Can I come and look?” Liam asked from the door.

“No Liam, my boyfriend can’t look at old pictures of me” I said as I rolled my eyes and he walked in and sat down next to me.

I open the box and on top is the picture of Shakira and I at our first dance together. I was wearing a sundress and Shakira was wearing a blue form fitting dress. We were both around thirteen years old.

“Is that Shakira?” Liam asked and I nodded.

“Yeah, thats our first dance that we went to. She is the one in the blue dress and I’m in the floral dress” I said as I looked up at Liam he was smiling.

After a few hours of looking thru pictures I got really bored of it.

“Li, I’m getting really bored of this. Can we see if everyone is packed and if they want to watch a movie?”

“Sure, I will be right back” Liam replied as he got up and went out the door.

Liam’s POV

First I go into Shakira’s room, that her and Niall share.

“Do you guys want to watch a movie?” I asked.

“Sure, what one?” Shakira asked.

“I’m not sure, but when we get down we can figure it out” I said before leaving.

After I finished asking everyone I head downstairs to find Sammy going thru her movie box.

“What are you looking at?” I ask.

“I found the box of home movies of Shak and I. There is so many here Li. I totally forgot about these. Would you want to watch some. Before I could replied Niall yells “YES!” from the top of the stairs.

“I will take that as a yes” Sammy said as she laughed.

“Lads, we have a movie picked” I said up the stairs and they all came running down.

“What’s the movie?” Harry asked as he flopped himself down on the couch.

“Its old home movies of Shakira and I” Sammy said as she put in one of the DVDs from the box. Then she came to sit down next to me and it started.

On the tv screen must have been from about three years ago when the lads and I got put together as a band. Sammy and Shakira were at a lake and they were talking.

“NO MRS. STYLES YOU WILL NEVER PUSH ME OFF THIS DOCK!” Shakira yelled. That startled me, I knew that Sammy liked Harry when we first got as a group but Shakira calling her Mrs. Styles that got on my nerve a little bit.

“Mrs. Horan what did I tell you about being sassy with me?” Sammy said as she put her hands on her hips. Wow she is super sexy when she is sassy. No Liam you cannot think of Sammy like this now.

“Because if you do you will..” Shakira said before Sammy pushed her off the dock and everyone started laughing.

“Nice one Sammy, you did not even let her finish what she was saying” Zayn said in mid laugh.

“Hey, what can I say I am a trouble maker” Sammy said as she shrugged and smiled. Wow that smile makes me melt, she is just so beautiful. How did I get her to be mine?

Then the next clip came on. It was Sammy and Shakira at the mall trying on wedding dresses.

“Shakira, why were you trying on wedding dresses in the first place?” Niall asked very confused.

“Well Sammy and I have been planning our weddings since we were very young. We want to have a double wedding. But anyway Sammy wanted to go try on some for fun so I went along with it. That sad thing was that we did not have boyfriend, plus we were only sixteen at the time.  

“Sammy would make a beautiful bride” I thought to myself. No Liam you can not think of Sammy as a bride just yet. You have been only dating for three weeks.

After a few hours of watching the videos. I felt a head on my shoulder. I look to my left and Sammy’s head was on my shoulder and she was asleep. Her hazel eyes were covered by her eyelids and her breathing was steady. I tried to match my breathing to hers. It took a few tries but I got it.

“Liam stop staring at Sammy, I know that she is beautiful but please just take her to bed” Harry said and I nodded. I pick her up bridal styles and carry her into her bedroom.. we the bedroom that we share. I lay her down every so gently and put the covers over her before I go into the other side and fall asleep. After all we have a big day tomarrow... tour day.


Yes the next chapter is the long awaited chapter. FINALLY Sammy and Shakira will be performing with the lads on tour!!! Thank you so much for staying with us till the point! I know we have made it very long, but we wanted to make the relationships become stronger before the tour starts. For those of you who have guessed there will be fore drama, and more romance. Thank you SO MUCH for reading till this point!!


Opening ActDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora