Meeting the "New" Harry

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“Li there is someone I want you to meet” I said as I grabbed his hand. We were watching Toy Story when I thought it would be a good time for him to meet Harry, not Harry Styles the friend, but Harry my horse.

“Sammy, where are we going” Liam asked as we walked out the door and headed to my car.


“It’s surprise, I have someone I want you to meet. He has been in my life for three years and he is my baby”


“Wait, you have a baby? I thought you were a virgin?” Liam asked very confused.


“No, I don’t have a baby, and yes I’m a virgin, but this is not an actual someone it's more of something” I said, I was going to give Liam no more hints.


When we finally get to the barn where I keep Harry Liam looks puzzled.


“Why are we at a barn?”


“You will see” I said as we both get out of the car. I lead him to Harry’s stall.


“So this is who you wanted me to meet” Liam said and I nodded.


“This is my horse Harry” I said as I blushed and Harry’s head popped up. I opened the stall door and Harry moved his body over and I gave him a kiss on the nose.


“Liam, this is my horse Harry, Harry this is my boyfriend Liam. You better be nice or no carrots for a month” I said.


The picture in the corner is actually my horse Harry :)

“Why did you name him Harry?” Liam asked. I knew this question would come up at some point, and there was no way I was going to lie and say ‘I bought him with that name’. In reality I named him that because at the time I was in love with Harry Styles. So I thought it would be funny to name him that. Even to this day, that name fits him. Harry is the flirt, he loves all the mares attention, but sometimes that can end pretty bad, but luckily that has not happened yet.


“I named him that because three years ago, I was in love with Harry so I named my horse after him. It’s quite funny actually. He is also the flirt with the mares. He won’t leave them alone” I said and I was blushing from embarrassment, and laughter.


“Sammy, I don’t mind that you named him Harry but the fact that you never told me that you ‘loved’ him makes me a little worried, that you will leave me for him” Liam said, I could see that he was about to cry.


“No Liam, I can’t believe I’m about to say this but I love you. I have known for awhile. I was afraid to tell you because I did not want to get rejected..” I was about to go on my mini rant, when Liam’s lips pressed against mine.


“I love you to Sammy” Liam said as he pressed his lips on mine again. Then Harry had to ruin the moment. He started to push me over and play with my hair.

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