Baby Girl and the Betrayal

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Shakira’s POV

“I know you it would be a girl” I say as I pull my shirt down and gets up from the chair.

“Would you like pictures of the ultrasound?” Dr. Webster asks.

“Yes” I say and she hands me a few different pictures of Bella.

“We better head back to the hotel before the lads start to worry about us” Harry says as he opens the door for us.

“Thanks Harry” I say as I walk out the door with Sammy following behind me.

When we get back to the hotel the lads must have woken up because they were not in the bus where we left them.

“Do you think they noticed that we were gone?” Sammy asks.

“Well since you and Shakira are sharing a room I bet they thought that you were already in there. As for me I bet they thought I went to Starbucks to get a coffee” Harry says. It is very true that they thought that Harry went to get a coffee. He practically lives off that stuff.

We walk into the hotel lobby, we are very lucky that no fans were here. I press the elevator button to go up, within seconds the doors open and we walk in, Sammy presses the button thirty-two, also known as the penthouse suite. The elevator goes up all the way to the top before the doors open once again.

Harry opens the door to find all the lads sitting on the couch.

“Sammy! Where have you been? I thought I lost you!” Liam says. It looks like he was crying for some time.

“You did not lose me I was with Shakira and Harry the whole time” Sammy says as her and Liam sit back down on the couch.

“Where were you Shak?” Louis asks.

“I knew that you were still getting used to the idea of having a baby, so I invited Sammy and Harry to my first ultrasound appointment” I say and I look at Louis who looks also like he is about to cry.

“Shakira this is my baby as well. If I have known I would have went with you in a heartbeat” Louis says as he gets up and gives me a hug.

“We know if its a boy or a girl” Sammy says. Nice one Sammy, I was going to be the one to announce that.

“Really what is it?” Zayn asks curious.

“I’m having a baby girl” I say and Louis’s eyes light up.

“A girl?”

“Yes, a girl Louis. I was talking to Sammy earlier who was playing her violin..” I start to say when Liam butts in.

“Sammy you play the violin? Why did you not tell me?”

“I have not played for years. I woke up this morning with the urge to play Bella’s Lullaby from Twilight, when Shakira walked in on me” Sammy replies.

“I was in shock. She has not played the violin in years. She did not lose her touch at all. She played like she never stopped. This is where I came to the name of her” I say as I put my hand on my stomach. “Since Sammy was playing Bella’s Lullaby, I immediately thought of the name Isabella or Bella for short” I say and I look at Louis for his approval.

“I love it, Bella Tomlinson. It has a nice ring to it. Don’t you think?” Louis replies.

“It is a lovely name, especially for a lovely girl” Sammy says and I start to blush. This is why she is my best friend.   

“Do you have picture?” Niall asks.

“Yeah we do” I say as I put them on the table and their mouths drop.

“She is so tiny” Niall says.

“Of course she is Niall. Shakira is only two months pregnant now” Sammy says who is cuddling with Liam.

“Why don’t we go out for some food?” Niall asks.

“Niall you're always hungry” I reply back.

“Yes, I am a growing teenage boy. I need my food”.

“Alright lets go” Zayn says as he starts to walk out of the door.

“You coming Shak?” Louis asks me.

“Yeah, I have to find my phone. I will meet you in the lobby” I reply and before I know it everyone is out of the hotel room.

I look under the couch and sure enough my cell phone must have dropped out of my pockets. When I get back up it looks like one of the lads dropped their phones also.

I walk over to it and there is one new text message from Rachel.

No Shakira, this is not your phone. You should not open it. That is what the good side of my brain is saying. When I got closer to the phone I could tell that it is Liam’s. His background picture is him and Sammy. Since Liam has an Iphone, part of the message pops up.

From Rachel:

Thanks for a great night a few nights ago. Too bad you have a girlfriend…

That’s all I needed to see I pick it up and walk down to the lobby where Sammy and the lads were waiting for me.

“Did you find your phone?” Louis asks me.

“Yeah I did, you guys go ahead I need to talk to Sammy about girl things” That is all I needed to say. They did not want to know what this is. Sammy comes over.

“What’s up Shak?” Sammy asks.

“Sammy this is going to break your heart but Liam is cheating. I’m so sorry but you need to know. As your best friend it is my job to protect you” I say.

“How do you know Liam is cheating?”.

“Here” I hand her the phone and she reads the message,

“I can’t believe he would do this to me. I thought he loved me” Sammy says as she breaks down and starts to cry.

“I’m sorry but I had to show it to you”

“I know Shak, thank you for that. I’m glad you did and not letting it drag on. Who knows how long he has been doing this for” Sammy replies.

“Do you still want to get food?” I ask.

“Yeah, I have to stay strong. He can not know that this hurts me”.

“Sammy I also know that another lads has a huge crush on you. I know for a fact that he will never hurt you like Liam did” I say and he eyes light up a little bit.

“Who?” Sammy asks. I could tell that she is still upset. I get it. I mean who wouldn't be when their boyfriend cheats on them.

“Mr. Styles”

“Harry likes me?”

“Yes Sammy, Harry likes you very much, maybe even love” I say.

“I know that I said that I am not in love with him anymore when I started to date Liam. That was a lie. I still love Harry. Maybe even more that I did before” Sammy relies.

“Then go get your British boy! Would you like me to talk to Liam about this. I mean afterall I have his phone and I need to give it back to him”.

“Would you mind. I’m not ready to face him just yet” Sammy says as she looks at the ground.

When we get to the restaurant I pull Liam aside.

“What’s going on Shak?” He asks.

“Ohh nothing but I found your phone and I know that you cheated on Sammy. She knows it also” Liam’s eyes got really big.

“Do you know how bad I feel about it. I feel fucking bad about this. I love Sammy so much. I don’t know what came over me that night”. Liam says and starts to cry.

“Well try and fix it” I reply before we go back to the table to find Sammy and Harry are gone.

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