Panning The Party

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“Zayn you need to wake up, we have to plan Sammy’s birthday!” I said as I nudged him really hard, that did not work.

“Zayn if you do not walk up right now, I will flush all your hair products in the toilet.”

“IM UP, IM UP” Zayn said as he rubbed his eyes. “So what am I doing up so early”.

“It is Sammy’s 19th birthday in five days, and I want to throw her the best party ever. I need Harry, Niall, Louis, and your help to plan this”.

“Ok, so why don’t we head to the living room now” Zayn suggested and I nod.   

When we are all sitting on the couch, we start to throw down some ideas.

Louis: We have a pool party in the back, and we invite all of our friends and family.

Niall: Rent out a ice rink just for all of us and we skate.

Harry: Just you two go out on a romantic date, like to a fancy roof top restaurant. Put flowers and candles everywhere.

Zayn: Well since Sammy likes ice hockey, we should all go to a ice hockey game, with matching jerseys.

“Ok lads, I’m going to think about it for a few minutes then come back and tell you who won” I said as I left the room.

I loved Louis’s idea about the pool party, but so many people may be very intimidating for Sammy. Niall’s idea was really good also. She does love to ice skate and it would just be the seven of us. My favorite would have to be Zayn’s. She is a really big Boston Bruins fan. So taking her to the TD Garden would be brilliant.

When I came back into the room, they all looked at me wanted to know who won.

“I loved all of your ideas, but Zayn’s won because she does love the Boston Bruins, plus we are performing there later in the tour, so it would be good for her to know the place since she has never been” I said and Zayn had a huge smile on his face.

“So, who is going to be in charge of making those plans with the people there?” Harry asked.

“I will be in charge of keeping Sammy from knowing.... wait a second” I started then it hit me. The Bruin’s don’t play in the summer. I mean it’s July. The season ended two months ago. Well that plan is down the drain.

“Lads, the Bruins season ended two months ago, they won't play until like September. That was a good idea Zayn” I said. I was pretty upset since it was a really good idea.

“How about we do Niall’s idea since the rinks are still open. We could also add some summer elements into it also, like we could decorate the whole rink with Hawaiian things” Louis stated. That was actually not a bad idea since they are open, and we could decorate it.

“I really like that idea Louis. That was one of the best ideas, I have heard in a long time. Sorry Zayn” I said and Zayn shrugged almost saying ‘I ain't even mad’.

“So when do we start planning?” Niall asked.\

“Why don’t we do some while the girls are sleeping” I said, then Harry comes over with pens and paper and we get to work.

Sammy’s POV

“Liam, please don’t go I need you”

“Sammy I’m not ready for this”

“Why, you caused this”

“I know, but do what you have to do” Liam said before he walked out the door.

Then I wake up, I was covered in my own sweat. ‘Thank god that was a dream’ I thought to myself. I get up out of my bed and head to the shower.

After I get out of the shower, Shakira was sitting on my bed.


“Well I heard you scream in your dream so I came in to make sure everything was alright”.

“Yeah I’m fine, just a bad dream” I said.

“Do you want to talk about it?” Shakira asked.

“Well, Liam and I were in a fight, I think I was pregnant, and he walked out on me” I said as I put on my bra and shorts before I turned around to go into my closet to get my top.

“Sammy you know Liam will never leave you. You are his whole world. I know you have only been dating for about two weeks, but I can see it in his eyes” Shakira said and I blushed.

“You think so?”

“I know so” Shakira replied and I could not stop smiling.

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