The Beach Date

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Liam’s POV

“Liam can I talk to you?” Sammy’s father Dan asked. I follow him into another room and we both sit down.

“So you are engaged to my daughter?” He asks me. Damn I am so nervous.

“Yes I am, I wanted to ask your permission first but I just love her so much that I could not wait” I reply as I look at him.

“I’ve never seen my Samantha look at any guy the way she looks at you. She really loves you. All I want is for my baby girl to be happy and if it is with you, which seems to be the case then I am alright with it. So Liam tell me about yourself. I want to know, Sammy has already told me so much” Dan says. I am so thankful that he is alright with her marrying his daughter.

“Well I am Liam Payne, I am twenty years old (A/N In this book Liam is twenty but with his old hair). I am from Wolverhampton in England. When I was sixteen I tried out for X Factor. I made it to Simon’s house and got sent home. Then two years later I tried out again and made it. I was about to get sent home again when Simon called me, Louis, Niall, Zayn, and Harry back on stage when he announced that we will be in a group together. That is how One Direction came to be. I am currently touring with Sammy and Shakira as our opening act which I am aware that you know. That is about it” I say. That was actually easier than I thought.

“You seem like a very nice guy who can give everything that Sammy needs, a guy who will love her unconditionally” Dan says.

“I will...” I start to say when Sammy pops her head in.

“Dad, Li, dinner is ready” She says as she leaves and heads back into the kitchen.

Shakira’s POV

“So are you and Louis dating?” Alex asks, I look over at Louis. I could tell that he is hurt. I can’t lie to him.

“No Alex, Louis and I are not dating. I am in love with another lad Niall. He should be here in the morning. Louis is my best super best friend” I say as I look back at him. He knows that is where we need to stay... best friends.

“Yeah, when we had our first skype call she showed us her Superman shirt and since I also love Superman we have become ‘super friends’” Louis says and I smile.

“Dinner is ready” Sammy says as she heads back into the kitchen. Liam and Sammy’s dad come out from the office. They must have had a ‘talk’. We all go into the dining room and sit down. I am next to Louis, who is next to Liam who is sitting next to Sammy.

After dinner I start to get tired, I have had a long day from the flight to the miscarriage. Niall did not know about the miscarriage.

“I’ve had a long day, I’m going to head to bed” I say as I head to Sammy’s room. We always would have sleepovers so there is two beds in there. Louis will be sleeping in the guest room along with Liam, I know that they just got engaged but Sammy’s parents would not like that very much.

“I’m going to bed also” Sammy says as she gives Liam a kiss on the cheek and follows me upstairs to her bedroom.

“It feels like we never left” I say looking at her room with all the One Direction posters, Justin Bieber posters, the closet is the same but with less clothes, the bathroom still has her makeup and hair stuff.

“Yeah I know. I mean we have not been here in like what a month? and it feels like we never left” Sammy says as she gets changed into her One Direction bottoms and a blue tanktop.

“Really your One Direction bottoms?” I say as I wink at her.

“Yes I know, It’s still hard to believe that I am dating... well engaged to one of the boys from the boyband that I love so much. I mean look at us Shak. We are touring with the lads that we love and doing what we love. We get to see the world, meet celebrities, go to award shows. We are doing what we always dreamed of doing” Sammy says as she flops down on her bed.

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