Life In The Fast Lane

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Shakira’s POV

“So what songs should we sing since our first concert is tommarrow night?” I ask Sammy.

“Well I think that we should do a song that we have already done like A Thousand Years, Jar of Hearts, and maybe something more upbeat like We Can’t Stop” Sammy replied.

“Well I think we should start off with A Thousand Years, then go to We Can’t Stop. When we are on the road we can think of more” I said as I zipped up my last suitcase.

“Shak the bus is ready. Do you have your last bag?” My boyfriend Niall asked from downstairs.

“Yes it is packed. I will be down in a minute” I replied as I grabbed it and brought it downstairs with Sammy following behind me.

“Shak! You should have asked me to come and get the suitcase. You can’t carry something that heavy, you are pregnant after all” Niall said as he put his hand over my small bump that has not appeared. It was not noticeable, but only if you knew I was.

I handed Niall my last suitcase and walked on to the tour bus. It was nothing like I have ever seen. The couches were red and black. There was a flat screen tv built into the wall. There was an Xbox! That made me super excited. It was just all so amazing. I sat down on the couch and just took it all in.

“It’s nice isn’t it?” Niall asked as he sat down next to me.

“Yeah it is. I have never seen anything like this in my life” I replied.

“Well this is where you’re going to be living for the next six months. That is only when we are not in a hotel but still” Harry said as he put down his backpack by his bunk.

“Li, where is the movie that I gave to you?” Sammy asked from the bunk that Liam and her will share, even if there is not a lot of room.

“It is on the bunk babe” Liam said from the door.

“What is the movie?” I ask. I was quite confused, Sammy and I packed all the movies and I knew them inside and out, but what is this one?

“It is our special movie that I took out of the box last night since I knew when the lads saw the title that they would want to watch it” Sammy said as she gave a wink at me.

Ohh that movie. It was the video of Sammy and I when our parents told us that they got us tickets to One Direction’s sold out show. We wanted to go for months, but when we found out that it was sold out, we lost hope. So we were really excited. Also, in the video was us at the concert. That included the meet and greet. Well this will get interesting when we watch this. Hopefully for a long time.

After about another thirty minutes of loading up the bus we finally got on the road. Niall is sitting on the couch next to me and he is playing on his phone, Harry, Louis, and Zayn were also sitting on the couch but playing the Xbox, Liam is looking for food, and Sammy is sitting in a chair all curled up in a ball, she looked like she is in pain. I got up out of my seat and walk over to her. Since there is another chair next to her I sit down.

“What’s going on Samantha? I know when you curl up in a ball that you are in pain” I said and Sammy nodds.

“I have my period and the cramps are really bad. I don’t want to tell Liam because.. well I don’t really want to tell him because it is awkward” Sammy said as she puts her head into her knees.

“Would you like me to tell Liam for you?” I said and she does not respond. Once again I get up. I really should not be going this much walking.. wait what am I saying. I’m only one month pregnant.

“Liam can I talk to you for a moment?” I ask Liam and he looks up from the counter all conserned.

“What’s up Shak?” He asks.

“Well I want to tell you about Sammy”

“What about her?” Liam asks with one eyebrow lifted.

“She is on her period so she is in pain right now. She thought it was awkward for her to tell her herself so I came over here to tell you that” I said.

“Thank you for telling me. When we were packing this morning I could tell that something was up” Liam said as he walked over to Sammy and kissed her cheek.

“Shak come back over here. I want to cuddle” Niall said with the most adorable face I have even seen. I walk back over to him and he grabs me.

“Theres my cuddle buddy” Niall says as he gave me a kiss on the cheek.

“Aww your my cuddle buddy also” I said as I gave him a kiss on the cheek. “I HAVE THE PERFECT SONG FOR THIS MOMENT!!” I yelled as I grab my Iphone out of my bag. “Life In The Fast Lane” I say as I plug it into the speaker system. This is going to be a great trip

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