Meeting the Parents part 1

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Niall’s POV

“How are you feeling Shak?” I ask as I walk over to the couch where Sammy and Shakira were watching the telly.

“I feel much better since I threw up. I guess the whole pregnancy thing is taking its toll on me” Shakira says as she looks up at me.

“Well that is good. If you need anything I am here for you and I do mean anything” I say as I motion for Liam and Louis to follow me.

“What’s up Niall?” Liam asks.

“I have been thinking that since Shakira is about two months pregnant right?” I ask looking at Louis and he nods. “Since she is, I don’t think that her flying from country to country is good for Bella or her. She needs her rest. What if something happens when we are flying and we can’t get her the help she needs”.

“You have a good point Niall, but we are already into the tour, we can’t lose them as our opening act. Another thing that came to my mind is that when Shakira announced that she is pregnant she said that you were the father.This is going to cause a riot from the fans and paparazzi if they see her and I together” Louis says.

“You both have really good points. Louis you are right about how we can’t lose them as our opening act and Niall you are also right about the health of Shakira and Bella. I think we need to shorten the tour before Shakira is four months pregnant. I know you both want to be with her but Louis it is your baby and Niall she said Bella is yours on the telly. You are both in a sticky situation. Louis do you even know that Bella is 100% yours? Don’t you think she could be Nialls? I mean you both slept with her” Liam says.

“It could be, but I guess we will have to wait and see when she is born” I say.

“I will go call Simon to tell him that the tour needs to be shortened and that Louis could also be the father of Bella” Liam says as he takes out his phone and walks out of the room.

“Louis you and Shakira really make a great couple” I say as I look down at the floor. It hurt me inside really bad but it is true.

“Thanks Niall, you and Shakira were very cute also. I was always jealous with what you had. I wanted that to be me and now well… I guess I have it, but I feel so bad about how it happened” Louis replies.

“I feel bad about how I snapped at her and she knows that I’m sorry but still”.

“Louis?” Shakira calls from the living space of the hotel suite. He gets up from his seat to go help his girlfriend. Well at least I think they are dating. That will be a question for later.

Sammy’s POV

“Louis?” Shakira calls for Louis who is talking with Liam and Niall.

“Yes my love?” Louis asks before he is even in the room.

“Can you please get me some tomato juice?” Shakira asks. Well it looks like the pregnancy cravings have kicked in. Good luck Louis and Niall.

“You want tomato juice?” Louis asks confused.

“Yes, I am craving it” Shakira replies with a pouty face. She is getting really good at that.

“Ahh the craving stage. I will go get you some now” Louis says as he goes over to the kitchen area to get his money when he looks out the window. “I think I will have Paul get it. There is way too many fans out there love”.

“Thanks Boo Bear” She says and Louis goes to call Paul. Then she looks at me. “What? I’m craving it”.

“Really Shak tomato juice? You have never asked for that once ever. Why now?” I ask.

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