Meeting the Parents part 2

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Shakira’s POV

“I am so excited for you to meet my family” I say as I look at Louis.

“So am I” Louis says as he kisses my cheek. It is not the same as when Niall did it. His were so different. I’m still in love with Niall.

Suddenly, something felt wrong... That's when I felt it, the blood was trickling down my legs ""Louis, we need to go to the hospital?"

"Why?" Louis asked.

"Blood" That is all I could say. Then he knew what I meant.

"Driver hospital now!” Louis yelled, that's when the pain starts.

Sammy’s POV

As soon and Shakira said that five letter word, I knew what she meant. She is having a miscarriage. I knew that we would be late meeting my family so I got out my phone and texted my mum.

To Mum:

Something came up, we have to go to the hospital. We will be there later. Text me if you need anything.

I knew she would wonder why we are going to the hospital but that would have to wait.

“We are here” The driver said, as soon as he did Louis jumps out of the limo and opens Shakira’s door. Then picks her up bridal style and brings her into the hospital.

“This is not our place. Do you want to go get some food or something?” Liam asks.

“My mum is expecting us for dinner so no food, but I do have something else in mind” I say as I tell the driver where to go... my high school.

Louis’s POV

They took Shakira away immediately.  I knew exactly what happened. She lost Bella. My worst fear is becoming a reality. I knew Niall would want to know.

To Nialler:

We arrived in Orlando but something happened in the limo. Shakira and I are at the hospital. I am not with her now the doctors took her away.

From Nialler:

I am getting a ticket now. I should be there in the morning. Make sure she is as comfortable as possible and tell her I love her.

That one hurt right in the heart. I knew that I had to tell her. Niall loves her and she loves Niall. I will be just the friend who happened to get her pregnant.

“Mr. Tomlinson?” The doctor asks. I must have been in my own thoughts for a long time. I look up at the clock. It has been an hour.


“I’m sorry but Shakira had a miscarriage. You can go see her. She is in room 317” The doctor says. I get up from my seat and run to her room. Her door is open and I find a sleeping Shakira. She is pale and looks like she has been crying. I pull up the seat next to her and hold her hand.

After about a half hour Shakira wakes up.

“It’s all my fault Louis that we lost Bella. I’m a terrible person” She says and starts to cry.

“No Shak your not, I think its a sign that we are not ready to have a baby, or at least with me. I know that you love Niall and that he loves you. Please just go back to him” I say and she looks at me.

“Thank you Louis, I will always love you as my best friend” She says and gives a half smile. Then the doctor comes in.

“Shakira you are free to go” The doctor says then leaves. Shakira changes into some other clothes that she packed and we walk out.

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