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This is a song I wrote about an hour ago. It's not that great, and it's kinda like 'woe is me' attitude, but I'm... Idk. I just wanted to share this with you. Also, there's the word f****ot in there so if you really don't like that word then don't read on.


I'm sick and tired
They label and name me
'emo' and 'faggot'
They try to blame me
For society's problems
But they're the ones sleeping on their money
While I struggle just to feel part of their society

Why do normal people scare me?
I feel like I'm their worst enemy
Chasing, embracing all their counter culture
While they stand around and watch us like vultures

Why even try to join them as friends?
They take me and shape me and put me in pens
I have to write my fake namesake in pen
Afraid of them finding out 'my god it's them!'
Try to blame me for society's flaws
But since when do any of them follow the law?

Why do normal people scare me?
I feel like I'm their worst enemy
Chasing, embracing all their counter culture
While they stand around and watch us like vultures

Normal is a concept created by society
An insane concept that everybody's somehow the same
That's not how I play the game
And I refuse to stay

So what if I'm crazy?
Fuck society
Who the fuck's normal
With all this variety?

I know that normal people scare me
I know that I'm their worst enemy
Chasing, embracing all their counter culture
While they stand around and watch us like vultures

Jealous, jealous of the freedom we found
Our 'counter culture' is wanted all around

~~Markie out. (an effeminate agender little person now thing maybe demiboy hm idk)

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