Hey Ronnie

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Hey Ronnie.

Hi. How are you? It's ok, I know what your answer is going to be. I expect it by now.

But I need you to take a moment and remove you from yourself. Take a moment, and just look.

You see all the votes? All the comments you get? Yes. Those people fucking care about you.

You posted that chapter the other day and I've seen at least two people post chapters thanking you. You helped someone Ronnie. And I know more than a lot of people the hard time you're having right now, and it is fucking hard ok? But you're still here. You're still pushing through. You're still fucking fighting, and trying to inspire people to do the same while struggling. You saw who posted. I saw who posted. They were thanking you Ronnie. You helped them.

I know it's hard and I know you're reluctant, but I know everyone on here will join me in an outcry that we are here to help and we fucking care about you, ok? No matter what you do or who you need we've got your back.

I want everyone here to go flood Ronnie's aka ToastedAaron 's message board, book, comments, votes, everything you can. Everything. We have to make them see they're loved.

I can only do so much to try and help them see that. I'm calling for your help, guys. Please help me on this.

And Ronnie.

You just keep holding on.


G out.

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