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There will come a time in everyone's life that one decision, one action you take, could change someone's life forever.

Please, if you're given the chance, don't run from it.

Last night, I had to do something I never thought I would be able to do. But I made a promise to someone. And a promise is a motherfucking promise until the end.

I don't make promises lightly. So many people in my life have promised me things over and over, only to break them and slowly shatter what heart I have left.

So promises I make will be kept.

I got a chance to prove this to someone last night. I did something, something so huge, I fucking pray to whatever being is up there, to please, please make it help. After I wrote it, I felt at peace.

So I have a good feeling about it.

It may be scary to take this stuff into your own hands, but I tell you, it was in the service of someone I very much care about.

I hope that it will change their life.

Grey out. (neutral)

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