Underlying Acephobia in Society

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Sigh. I never really thought I'd experience something like this in my life.

So, if any of you don't know (but really how could you not) I'm asexual, and very comfortable with that. And yes, I still make sexual jokes. They are hilarious. No, I am not just avoiding sex. I don't experience sexual attraction. No, I'm not sex repulsed. I'm sex neutral.

Anyway, not the point.

So the other day in my mythology class, we had a substitute teacher, and the two seniors who sit behind me were having a discussion that made me rather uncomfortable. I tried to tune it out, but it was a bit hard as I had absolutely nothing to do. They were talking about circumcision, and the pros and cons of that (saying it that way sounds tame in comparison to the vulgarity of the conversation). Eventually they got off the topic of that and were for some reason talking about dsl.

Dick sucking lips.

Like wtf?

So the senior who sits behind me asked me to turn around, and here's how the conversation went.

Her: *birth name*, you kind of have dsl.

Me: *a bit uncomfortably* well, that doesn't matter because it's not happening.

Her: WHAT? Not even when you're married?

The senior boy she was talking to before: Nah, she's gay.

Her: You're gay?

Me: *much more uncomfortably* no, I'm not.

Him: oh, sorry.

Her: Do you even want to get married?

Me: No.

Her: Do you even want to have kids?

Me: If I do have them, I'm not birthing them, that's for sure.

Let's end it there.

Annoying how everyone expects you to want sex or feel sexual attraction when you don't.

I wish I had said I was ace. That would have made things easier.

Oh well.

Grey out. (demiboy...?)

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