Happy (late) New Year!

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Hey guys!

Sorry I didn't update yesterday. I meant to, I really did, but I got caught up in other things and so I'm updating now.

2015 was such a year. Started... not great, if I'm terribly honest. I think January was around the time my parents found out that I was suicidal. January through around May was not a good time for me. Actually, maybe even through now. 2015, overall, I would have to say:

It was not my year.

However, through all the darkness, there was some light; I came to discover who I am through the course of 2015, and I also grew up. A lot. I gained friends, I lost friends, but most importantly, I gained you guys. And I have you to be thankful for.

Thank you. For making my year, and always being there to back me up and support me. I'll never stop being thankful.

Here's to a hopefully better 2016.

Happy New Year all



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