My Name?? (Again??)

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Hey, I promise you this isn't any major thing. I'm not changing my name from Grey, so don't get yourself all worked up.

I just wanted to do this.

It's kind of a thing that's been in the back of my mind for a while. Like, even before I identified as genderfluid, much less genderflux, when I was questioning and first wanted to change my name, I had taken a liking to the name Patrick. Yes, I know that it's Patrick Stump's name, and yes, that may partially be why I like it. However, I also had a close family friend who's nickname was Patty, and she and I were very close. When she passed away, I was devastated, and kind of promised to myself I'd name one of my kids Patricia after her. And, I just really liked the nicknames Pat and Pattycakes, I thought they were really cute.


Obviously, I didn't choose that name for me when I was deciding on a name. I think Grey fits me nicely, and it's a kind of elegant name. It feels right when people call me Grey.

I also still like Elliot. I think Grey Elliot is an even more elegant name when put together.

But I think I'm just going to add Patrick on in there.

Grey Patrick Elliot.

My initials will be GPES.

It's better than my current initials.

Kinda reminds me of grapes.

Oh, also, while we're on the topic of names, I want to touch on pronouns as well.

My pronouns are still they/him, but I tend to prefer he/him over they/them. I'm not sure why I developed the preference, but I have and that's just the way it is.

Thanks guys :)

Grey out.

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