"I was thinking about flirting with some strangers and getting drunk, but more than likely, we'll just stay here and watch tv," I said sarcastically.

Niall laughed and Harry rolled his eyes clearly not amused. "You've been around Louis way too much, babe."

We kissed them goodbye and headed to the living room.

"So, Tab... how was your night?"

"I should ask you the same thing! Niall sure seemed like he could hold back how much he wanted it last night."

"Oh, he didn't hold back either; best sex ever!" She smiled so big. "What about you?"

"The same, times two. Best ever...for now anyway. It seems to get better every time." I smiled thinking about it. "When we got up this morning, he got to talking about how he wants to get married and kids and stuff."

"Really? Niall did the same thing!"

"I think we have whipped our boys."

We sat around and watched movies until the guys came back four hours later.

Niall yelled as he walked through the door. "Hey princess, we're back!" He walked in the living room.

"Hey, Prince," I said back to him as Niall looked around the room.

"Where's Britt?"

"In the bathroom," I said as she walked out.

"How was the meeting?" she asked.

"We need to talk," Harry said sitting down next to me.

"They're not making us breakup, are they?"

He rolled his eyes. "No, it seems like the tour has added some shows, and so we start sooner than we thought."

"Like how much sooner?" I looked at them.

"Like the end of March in Australia."

"So March to November?" I asked.

"I'm so sorry, baby. But if you have a bad day or something, you know you can always call or FaceTime." He pulled me into a hug as my eyes started to tear.

"No, it's your job, and I know how much you guys love being on tour and with fans. We've dealt with this before. I still have Britt and my therapist. I don't want to worry you."

"Yeah, but we haven't dealt with a tour this long, and I want to be there for you. I'm serious when I say call me anytime."

"Harry, it's fine. We'll get through this. I'll get through this."

"We can ask if you can come with us," Niall suggested.

"I can't, I have school and work," Britt said.

"I have work too, but you can be damn sure I will be visiting certain places."

"Then we need to plan something special before we leave."

"Sounds good, babe."

The next morning both boys come running into the kitchen where Britt and I had just finished cleaning.

"We have our special trip planned," Niall said excited.

"Okay?" Britt looked at him. "Where are we going?"

"We are going to Ireland to celebrate St. Patrick's Day then going camping!"

"Awesome! Wait that means crowds." I was excited but worried.

"I'll be there, babe. Don't worry." Harry hugged me.

"Ni, you do realize I'm the last person who would ever enjoy camping," Britt said disappointed.

"I know, princess. That's why we got a cabin. It's not exactly camping, it's more romantic."

"I guess I can deal with that." She kissed Niall then looked at me. "Tab, we need to go shopping."

"Why do we need to go shopping? You have a ton of clothes now."

"Yeah, but not for camping."

"BS! You have a shit ton of Pink sweats to camp in."

"No, I need actual camping outfits."

"What the hell are an actual camping outfits? You wear jeans, sweats, and t-shirts."

"No! We're going shopping."

I groaned. "Fine, whatever." I looked to Niall. "You realize how high maintenance she is right?"

"Yes, I do. I love her all the same."

"Just making sure."

"I should tell you too. We're meeting my family and going hiking one day." Niall threw that in before he grabbed his food and walked to the living room.

Britt looked at me with eyes bugging out, and I started laughing.

"P-p-parents! Hiking! Shit Tab, we really need to shop. What do I wear to meet his parents?"

"Clothes I hope," Harry chimed in.

She gave him the evil eye. "Shut up, Harry! You're no help! Tab, what did you wear to meet Harry's parents?"

"I met Anne and Gemma in Chicago. He surprised me, so I wasn't dressed up. I had jeans and a nice top on."

"Well, I need something good."

"I'll help you when we go shopping, and it'll be fine."

Harry started laughing at how nervous she was.

"Harold, go away! You're not helping." I sent him to the other room with Niall. "Britt, it's going to be fine."

"Yeah, yeah. Thanks."

I couldn't help but giggle myself. I had never seen someone so nervous about meeting their boyfriend's parents. It was a week away and she was acting like it was tomorrow. All I knew was that trip was going to be entertaining if she was already acting this way. And on the other hand, I was ready for some fun and romance, so this trip couldn't come fast enough.

Next chpt is the trip to Ireland so fun times! All the love!

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