"Hmm?" I asked with a confused look on my face.

"I know this is a little late seeing as we already slept together but call me Nate." He said with a small smile on his handsome face.

My face turned red. "Nate? That's your real name?"

He nodded. "You'll have to figure out my full name though." He winked and drove off, leaving me staring at his car.

Then I turned to go, doing the walk of shame to Jade who had her arms folded like a younger version of my mother.


"I know!" Jade yelled and shut the door after I walked in. "Skate called me last night at midnight to say you guys had an accident."

I snorted. "Accident? Is he daft?"

Jade rolled her eyes. "This is not a joke Tori...you knew how you felt about this yesterday and went ahead and slept with the guy!"

I groaned. "Jade I know! I know I was wrong but he was so...."

"Sex on legs? I don't care!"

"I was going to say caring and what not but since you mentioned it." I shrugged and opened the fridge for some breakfast.

Jade shook her head. "Well I'm just glad you're okay, I thought some thing had happened to you."

I shook my head. "I meant to call you but..."

Jade sat down at the counter and smiled slyly at me. I blushed and looked anywhere but at her.

"So...how was it?" She asked finally giving in and being my best friend again.

"It was...something." I smiled despite myself. I couldn't shake him off me just yet. "He was fantastic."

"Oh." Jade cupped her cheeks. "You're falling for him T!"

I snorted. "Jade come on...it was just a mistake. I know I'm getting married to him but - "

"But what? He's going to be your fiancée." Jade said. "Might as well!"

"Because I don't want to be with him like that." I said simple. "I'm not even ready for a boyfriend...what makes you think I feel okay with this."

Jade held up her arms. "Chill out Tori, I'm just as confused as you."

And we left it that. I was too busy stressing out over meeting Nates parents. Nate. Not Skate. It still made me feel weird calling him that from now on.

-Nate POV-

"How was it?" Derek laughed as we sat outside the studio in the sun. I had my face turned upwards with my eyes closed.

"God it was something man. I mean she was...woah." I said thinking back to last night, how Tori and I had took a huge step in whatever we were.

It was confusing.

"Yeah?" Derek asked.

"Its like I knew her for years, I knew where to touch her and everything man." I sighed. "It was nothing like I had ever experienced before."

Derek was quiet. I'm sure he was like what the hell? Because I'd never speak of a girl like this. Especially not some girl I barely knew that I was about to marry.

"She's beautiful and she's so real you know?" I went on. "I dig her vibe."

"Dig her vibe?" Derek snorted. "What is going on with you my man?"

I shook my head, my eyes still closed and facing the sun. "You know what's the stupidest part?"


"I want all of her." I swallowed. "And I'm afraid of how much and how soon it all is."


That night, I went over to my parents for dinner. Derek would pick up Jade and Tori later on so she could finally meet my parents.

According to my mother, she had been best friends with Tori's mother in highschool. But she had never met Tori, just her brother Ben. Seems like aeons ago anyways.

"Nervous?" My mom rubbed my arm affectionately.

"No ma." I shrugged. "I've met Tori before you know, before this whole arranged marriage deal."

"You hav?" Dad added excitedly. "I guess that makes this a lot more easier on you two, doesn't it?"

Not really. But I didn't say it out loud because I didn't want to upset them. I love them and wanted to make them happy - I wasn't sure I'd be happy though.

Just then a hooter sounded outside and I figured it was Derek with the girls already. My heart raced a little at the thought of Tori - I couldn't really help it anymore.

Maybe after last night, I saw her in a different light. But who am I kidding man? I had little feelings for her since that vacation.

"That's her!" Mom clapped her hands excitedly. "Nathan! Look alive, son."

I shrugged and laughed a little at how she became excited. "Okay?" Seeing my mom happy made me feel like I was doing something right.

Derek walked in with Jade behind him who greeted my parents - having met them long ago already. Tori walked in after them looking nervous but beautiful nonetheless.

I stared at her, taking it all in.

An Arranged Marriage ❉  n.mजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें