Part 1

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I do not own any pictures I use if one has a copyright I'm not aware of please tell me.
My alarm clock beeped and I slapped it of my dresser. Stupid thing it was not suppose to go off on Saturday's. My phone started to ring and then beep as if I had a million calls and text messages. I heard one familiar ringtone and I picked up
" Hey Morgan what do you want" I  groaned at her
"Just wanted to hang out at the park or something my alarm clock went off to early" Morgan asked and I laughed
" sure meet you there in 15" I replied and hung up. There was sure to be boys there so what should I wear? I decided on short shorts since it was warm and a spaghetti strap tank top. After curling my hair to perfection I went down the stairs to grab an apple.
" hey mom" I called to her as I washed my apple
" hey sweetie I just wanted to remind you that it's the week for college applications and you know the University would love you there" she reminded me and I rolled my eyes. I was the youngest of my family and my mom expected me to go to college and become an accountant like my sisters or a teacher like my brother. I personally wanted to become a hair stylist but my mom didn't agree to that.
" I'll make sure to do that... later" I procrastinated and bit into my apple " I'm going to the park to see Morgan" I called out and walked out. She said something about staying but I ignored it. I was not going to fill out those applications even if my life depended on it. I jumped into my silver Cadillac and pulled out of the driveway. I saw I'm my review mirror my mother was outside trying to get me to comeback but I payed no attention. My phone strayed to go off again like it was broken or something and then it started to bounce of the seat. I threw it in my purse and swore. I would have to get another phone now. I pulled into the park right next to Morgan's BMW. Surprisingly no one was there except us. Morgan called me over to the swings where she was already chilling .
" my phone broke again" I raged at her showing her my phone.
"Mine did too" she said and searched her bag for it.
" why is it so empty here?" I asked and she continued to look.
" we are to early" she complained and pulled out her phone that was doing the same thing as mine. " see it's bro.." She was interrupted my it flying out of her hands and toward the east. My phone quickly followed
" what the heck" I screamed and I looked around. The street lights have started to spark and they were tilting toward the same way that our phones flew. Morgan was thrown from the swings when it flew after. Soon the lights followed as did cars and other metal thing like a magnet was pulling them.  Then as soon as it started it stopped and nothing followed
" that was weird" Morgan  commented and I was about to agree when there was a huge ear splitting boom and me and Morgan flew 10 feet in the air before hitting the ground with a thud.
" Morgan" I yelled and she didn't respond "Morgan!"
In picture on the left is Cleo and the right is Morgan

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