"Guess who eavesdropped?"

Start from the beginning

Brazil and James exchanged looks.

"More than one? As in...not one but more?" James asked.

"Yes that's what more than one means."



"So...more than one." James said, trying to make conversation in the car.

"Yeah, James." Brazil mumbled.

"Are you sure we'll be able to take care of more than one?"

"Well what do you suggest we do? Keep one and give the other one away? What kind of fucking question is that?" She snapped.

"God, I'm sorry it was just a question."

"I don't know why you seem to worry. I mean, you're probably gonna be pursuing your acting career the entire while I stay home the entire time taking care of them, doing nothing else with my time because all my friends will be here while I'm in New York with you."

"Woah, don't even go there now. I offered to do whatever it was you wanted. I offered to quit for you, you didn't want that. I wasn't about to live there while you stay here raising my child-"

"Children." She corrected.

"You're acting like this and you wanna correct me right now? Fine, children. I wasn't gonna live in New York while you raised my children. So I asked you to come with me and you said yes, okay? So why don't you do me a favor and not put the blame on me."

He glanced at her for one second but seeing the look on her face already made him feel like an asshole.

He pulled over, turning to face her.

"Babe, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you."

She sniffled and shook her head.

"No it's my fault. I yelled at you. I'm acting like such a brat right now."

He reached over and wiped her tear.

"You're not a brat. You're pregnant and entitled to yell at me whenever you want to." He said making her laugh.

"But I really am scared. I just...don't wanna go there and be unhappy. I know you're there too but you're gonna be busy and I'm not gonna have anything to do."

"Hey, listen. You will do whatever you want. If you don't like the apartment, we'll get a new one, if you want a job, you'll get a job. You want some friends, there's lots of friendly people in New York."

She chuckled, nodding.

"I know and I'm sorry. I'm just hormonal."

She leaned in and kissed him.

"You're the best boyfriend and you're gonna be the best father."

"Maybe someday I'll make the best husband."

She looked at him and genuinely smiled, nodding.

"Yeah, someday."



"Yeah, Miciah?"

"So you remember what you heard last night and stuff?"

Annick chuckled nodding her head.

"Oh how could I forget."

"So you don't think any less of me, do you?"

"Why would I?"

"I was just scared the three of you would think I'm a hoe."

"What you are is a grown ass woman who's in love. Besides, I don't slut shame. Even if you were a hoe, I'd still love you. I support you through anything. Except if you were a murderer. Then I'd look down on you. Although I would visit you in prison." Annick said, not looking like she was joking.

Miciah laughed shaking her head.

"You're so weird."

"Guess who eavesdropped?" Daysia said strutting into the room.

"What about you, Daysia?"

"I don't look down on you. But on the floor Miciah? I wouldn't be surprised if a spider crawled between you guys the next time."

Miciah laughed, covering her face while Annick shuddered at the thought.


Dario walked into the kitchen to see Brazil eating chicken.

"Yo Brazil?"

"Hmm?" She mumbled since her mouth was full.

"Can I say something?"

"Uh sure."

"Well I think it's better to say it to you only since you have the least chance of killing me but...I just wanna say that I know I fucked up before and lied about it too. In fact I'm still lying about it. When am I gonna admit it to her? I don't know. But I want the three of you to know that I'm not perfect. But I'm gonna try to be everything I can be for Miciah."

"What about that Jenny bitch."

"Out of the picture."

Brazil sighed, shrugging.

"Well then I guess you have my blessing if that's what you want. But trust? You're gonna have to work much much more harder for that."

"Yeah, I know." He nodded.

"Alright. You're dismissed though. I'd like to finish my chicken in peace."

He chuckled.


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