I can still remember the way it felt as his lips slanted over mine, first slowly and soft then it turn deep and hard as he plundered my mouth for all to see at the aquarium and the place was quite full so a lot of people got more than their tickets worth. I had tried to pull away but he held my body fast pulling me even closer to him as he ravished my mouth, my body had become heated and started to respond to his, I could feel myself getting sucked into his lustful exploration of my mouth and at that point I had to pull away. We were both breathing quite breathlessly and turned when he finally let me go but I covered my arousal by turning away from him focusing all of my attention on my Bun-bun and her own excitement for being surrounded my marine wildlife.

After that the evening went downhill, once again I became tense around him, keeping him at arms length only speaking to him when my baby girl pull me into their conversation. I do have to admit that they both love each other, he was intone to her every move, pointing and laughing with her while watching all the see creatures, I even took a few pictures of them together without them knowing, they were just so striking together that I could not resist, at one point he had her high up in his arms just walking around slowly showing her different species of fishes and she would just giggle uncontrollably when he whisper in her ears, I stayed behind him taking pictures wanting to give them a father daughter moment.

I did made a promise to him when he visited me at the restaurant that I would not interfere with his and Sienna's time together and I intent to keep it. So I just let them be as I slowly trailed behind them stopping her and there to gaze at something beautiful and interesting while at the same time keeping my eyes on them, it went on like that for a while until Sienna thought a huge grouper was going to fall through the thick glass ceiling of the underwater tunnel in the aquarium and crush him due to gravity. I was close enough to hear all they said to each other and I tried very had and succeeded in maintaining a straight face when he tried to explained to her why he was not going to get crush.

It was quite interesting seeing trying to keep up with her, yet he tried and I gave him props for that but after a while of him struggling I step in and the conversation was almost back to normal when my baby girl smack me in the face with the question she asked him; for some reason I didn't want him to answer especially knowing the answer to that question already, I just really didn't want him to lie for her sake when we both know it his answer was going to be one if I had let him. So without batting an eye I put a stop to the whole conversation and dragged Sienna off for a snack, he wasn't too please with that move I could tell from the way his face had harden but I just ignored him while focusing on my daughter, after a while it seems that he was going to let it go and I had sigh in relief but what happened next is what determined how the rest of the evening turned out.

Out of nowhere Jacob Hunts appear at the aquarium, spotted me and came over to have a conversation. Him and I did go out on a few dates and maybe it would have gone a little further if he hadn't gone on that business trip; truth be told he was the first man I ever allowed to touch me after Dmitry, we didn't reach the point of sex but there were a couple of heated make out session between us. We met in one of my cooking class, he came in with his mother for a partner up cooking day, I can still remember that day, all the ladies went crazy at having a beautiful man in their midst, he was every women or men's dream, tall dark and handsome and you could also tell that he was very successful and the ladies loved it especially when his mom announced that he was single.

I had a feeling that it was the reason his mom took him there in the first place. I could tell that he was irritated but played it off quite nicely, he had even smile at me once or twice during that first class. After that day I thought I was never going to see him again but then he started to appear at my class frequently, then it became almost daily and that was when I got the feeling that he was there for more than the class, lots of time he would show up in his office attire for my latest class of the day so he could stay back to talk to me, it had became a daily thing and after a while I found myself looking for him at every single class.

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