"Oh my god he returned! I thought he got eaten by the mirror!" Lottie gasped hanging on to Zayn as if he was going to vanish. We all burst out laughing.

"Right now back to buisness," Lottie said putting on a fake serious expression before bursting out laughing.

"Right well we wanted to say that Harry and taylor said...." I didn't get to finish as Lottie interupted by saying,

"It's always them I bet they told you to kill me or something! I hate them!"

"You hate to Taylor! You love Harry!" Lorna said laughing.

Lottie scowled and changed the subject, " so what about them?"

We all laughed before Louis said, "Well harry said we can't see you anymore,"

Lottie's face fell, "But we are going to still hang out without them noticing because I love my new friends!" Louis crashed us all into a big hug.

"You don't ave to do that!" Lottie exclaimed, "if Harry finds out you are all in deep shit with him!"

"No I want to be friends and Eleanor wants to hang out with you later and she said if you don't come she is going to come and drag you all out by your ears back to her flat! She couldn't come because she was at a photoshoot!" Louis whined.

"And Perrie said she will help!" Zayn said scowling at Lottie, he is obviously still angry at her for messing up his hair!

"Awww yay!" Lottie jumped up and messed up Zayn's hair again, I think on purpose, she sat back down and Zayn went to go to the bathroom.

"Zayn I wouldn't bother sorting your hair again it's just going to get messed up," Lottie said.

"Who says it will?" Zayn asked.

"Me," Lottie replied

"Hmph," Zayn grumbled sitting down not next to Lottie but on the empty seats at the end of the table as we had a 10 seater table.

"Well then that's that, we better be going home! We will see you tonight when we come to see Eleanor and Perrie!" Jessie said, "Bye guys!"

Lottie somehow thought it would be a great idea to mess up Zayn's hair one last time as she walked past.

Jessie's POV

'I can't believe Harry' I thought it was just Taylor that was horrible but it seems like Harry is aso horrible. Just as we walked out the door we heard Niall say, "I'm hungry!"

I swear him and Lorna are perfect for each other they better get together before I lock them in a room untill they are dating.

Did anyone else notice that Liam looked really hot in them clothes he wore today! Wait he just got out of a relationship with Sophia, it was mutal feeling thing. Anyway he probably won't want a girlfriend for another few months or something. Wait I don't want to be his girlfriend.

"So do you want to come to mine?" Shannon asked.

"Yeah sure but first we will have to get our outfits for tonight from Jessie's," lorna answered.

"Of course!" Shannon answered.

"yay!" Lottie shouted hugging Shannon so hard I think if I didn't make her let go Shannon would have lost all circulation of her blood.

"Do you have food?" Lorna asked. Only her would ask that.

"Of course!" Shannon said and laughed.

We all got to my house and Shannon went across the hall to her flat to wait for us.

*skip 4 hours later*

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