Chapter 14: Plans of Fate

Start from the beginning

'Soon, it may not be our choice,' one of them rasped, 'We may not have any say.'

'Destruction is a powerful force,' said another, 'His power is greater than even ours.'

'Which is why we have come,' the third one added, 'To ensure that you succeed.'

By then, the others had crowded around me. I was sure that they hadn't heard me asking them to spare Percy's life, but they had definitely heard what the third fate said.

'To ensure that we succeed?' Hazel questioned, 'Does that mean, you'll help us?'

Two of the fates began bundling up the sea green string and I breathed a sigh of relief. The third fate looked directly at me.

'Do not let your mind be eased yet,' she said to me, 'As I said before, things are in our hands no longer.'

'That fates no longer have control,' Jason muttered, 'We're doomed.'

The fates had radar ears, rather like Chiron.

'Not quite yet, son of Jupiter,' one said, 'We are still of use.'

'If Destruction prevails and civilization fades,' the second added, 'So will we.'

'This battle cannot be won without Chaos' commander,' the third finished, 'Yet he cannot hope to be rescued if you do not know his location.'

'And ... you're going to tell us?' Clarisse asked hopefully.

The fates nodded in sync.

A smile broke out across my face. Finally, we had a chance. A small chance, but a chance none the less.

'We don't need that wimp,' Xavier exclaimed, pushing through the crowd, 'I can lead us into battle. Leave him and the others there, I say. If we win-which we will with me leading-we can get them back anyway.If they're not already dead.'

The fates glared at him coldly.

'It is not your fate, son of Ares,' the first whispered, 'It is the fate of the Chaos Commander to save everything.'

Xavier crossed his arms, 'Thats not fair. I'm so much better, so why does he get the cooler fate.'

'You were beat by someone who wasn't as powerful as him,' I growled, 'And you honestly think you're better than Epsilon?'

Xavier was about retort, when a small bolt of lightning came form the sky and zapped him in the rear end.

Everyone assembled (except for the fates) laughed their heads off as he jumped up and down all over the place, clutching his butt while his jeans smouldered.

Through my laughs, I looked over at Jason who was whistling innocently, and then I cracked up harder.

Xavier eventually ran off to the lake when his pants caught fire. It then took another five minutes for everyone to settle down.

'Ok,' Hazel said, wiping a tear from her eye, 'So, where is Commander Epsilon and the others?'

The fate in the middle waved her hand, and a misty image of a ruined castle appeared. The stones were crumbling and faded grey pillars stood scattered, no longer holding up the rooms that used to be there.

Reyna gasped, 'I know that place. That's Knapp's Castle. Its in the Santa Ynez Mountains, near California.'

The fates did that weird in sync nod again.

Smiles, hugs and high fives suddenly filled the air. I gave every single Chaos warrior a huge hug, which surprised most of them, especially Clarisse. Strangely, she didn't seem to be celebrating.

Epsilon and his Army of Chaos (Watty's 2013) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now