My pride wouldnt let me!

I wouldnt give him the satisfaction of seeing me like a weak vampire!

Jade you know he wont think of you that way, my inner voice scolded but I pretended not to hear the little side comments.

I let out a huge frustrated breath and looked at the cashier again, wondering how more longer could it take him to attend three more people?

I felt like I had been here forever already and the burning in my throat plus the humans around and the teen behind me wasn't helping.


I bit my trembly lip and sighed, I should just leave, I thought angrily.

I could walk out of here so fast with these packages and no one would see me!

My anger mixed with fear began sparking up within the minute!

"Mmm" I whimpered painfully, I began fidgeting around, grabbing with one hand my heart necklace and playing with it.

I looked around me wildly, oh so many humans here, so many young humans!

I could easily kill one!

For about the sixth time my phone began ringing again making my anger explode!

I snatched it out of my pocket and answered "What do you want Jaime?!" I hissed harshly.

"Jade, baby, dont hang up on me ever again!" Ashton said sounding relieved.

Oh please!

"What do you want!" I repeated again eyeing the little boy who had cut his finger in his mom's arm next to me on the other line.

"I want to know where you are Jade" Ashton replied, his voice tight, you could tell he was trying not to sound mad.

"I told you already Im at the market" I said annoyed.

"I know that! Which market!" he snapped back making me frown.

"None of your business Mr.Perfect!" I said hanging up on him again angrily.

I let out another huge breath, thats it! I was going to steal this freaking food! I couldnt wait longer, I was already squirming in my spot, I didnt know how much more longer I could keep control!

I was about to leave when my phone once again, began to ring.

I groaned loudly, jeez would he ever stop calling me?!

"Stop calling me!" I hissed as I answered Ashton.

"Stop.Hanging.Up.On.Me!" he said every word slowly, I could practically hear the way he clenched his teeth!

I gulped, momentarily afraid by how mad he sounded.

We both had our strong characters, I was the one who usually got more angry with Ashton than him with me, but when he got mad, he got mad! And it was so scary seeing him mad, it wasnt pretty!

And right now, well shit I could tell he was extremely mad!

"Well stop calling me!" I hissed back eyeing the security guard who was walking directly to me. I gulped and froze a little, oh shit now what?

"Ma'am? Can you please come with us?" he told me looking over at me with the same reaction everyone had given me.

Oh crap.

"Whats going on?" Ashton asked hearing the guard talk to me, I jumped when I heard his voice, I had forgotten I was on the phone with him.

"I have to go" I told him hanging up quickly and putting my phone in my back pocket.

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