Chapter 11

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A:N/ Hey guys! :) Well first of all I want to tell you guys that you guys blew my socks off! Literally you guys did! Barely 10 chapters and this book already has more than 1,000 reads! Honestly you guys mean the world to me when you read my story and I am forever thankful! Writing means the whole world to me and with you guys reading it makes my life complete and happy! Literally, I swear if I were in front of all of you people that have read my books I would be giving you guys so many tearful thank you's! Honestly thank you so much for reading this book! Means entirely so much to me, and also I want to dedicate his chapter to Kahvi_Leppan for being such a great awesome person and reading this book and taking the time to leave a comment and her vote. Thanks a bunch hon! Love you and really appreciate it all your support <3 forever thankful.

Once again thank you guys!

Chapter 11

Pic of Jade on the side;)  ----------->

Jade P.O.V

I was right when I said Drake would freak out when I told him about Ashton. As soon as the words had come out of my mouth that I used to have a vampire boyfriend I wished I would've come up with a good lie to tell him.

Of course it was too late now.

When I told him about my ex vampire boyfriend he laughed shaking his head telling me to tell him the truth. Then as he saw how serious I was, he thought I was joking but doubt filled his worried tone, then he just groaned and shook his head over and over again asking me to please be joking with him.

When I said I wasnt he asked how it was possible I had a vampire boyfriend, or well, used to have a vampire boyfriend. When I explained to him how things had happened it was as if I hadnt explained at all, he kept asking me to repeat things I had already told him, asking me to explain things over and over again.

And for about the 10th time, I would have to explain to him all over again how things were, kind of like I'm doing right now..

"Repeat to me again what you just said Nicole" he demanded shaking his head looking at me with disbelief.

I sighed and frowned at him "Drake for the millionth time! I used to have a vampire boyfriend six months ago. We went out for six months also, thats why I was in vampire's lands. Because... because one of his friends saw me and I decided to say hello to him." I said sitting down in a huge boulder, I kept my eyes on him watching him pace back and forth shaking his head again and again.

"This doesnt make any sense! How long did you go out with that...leech?" he asked giving me a horrified expression.

I gulped and answered "six months"

"Six months! Six months?!" he repeated looking at me as if I had grown another head.

I nodded playing with my golden necklace "Yes six months!" I repeated impatiently.

"How was is possible Nicole?! A vampire boyfriend?! I dont get it!" he cried looking confused as hell.

I sighed again, an upset feeling formed in the pit of my stomach. "You dont chose the person you fall in love with Drake, it just happens" I answered.

"But with a vampire?! With a leech?! With your packs greatest enemy?!" he gasped when he said this looking at me horrified again "'ve been betraying your pack!" he accused making a knot form in my throat.

His accusation stung, but he was right of course, I was betraying my pack all that time I went out with Ashton.

I nodded again "Yes" I replied simply.

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