Chapter 3

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Pic of Drake on the side ;) ---->

What do you think? Cuter than Ashton?

Jade P.O.V

"Do you crave my blood?" I asked him quietly knowing he would hear me.

He frowned and looked surprised a little "No....why?" he asked. I got an upset feeling in the pit of my stomach that he didnt want me, even if it was a good thing, to me it wasnt.....I wasnt desirable.

I shrugged "No reason" I said. Ashton smiled " Thats a good thing Jade, it means I wont try kill you" he said happily. I nodded, it wasnt a good thing for me.

"It doesn't mean your not desirable cutie,because trust me if I could I would eat you alive" he said speaking low and looking at me with sudden red eyes. I gulped and smiled at me him raising an eyebrow looking challengingly. "You would?" I asked feeling a rush in me.

Ashton made his eyes turn brighter "Yes I would....." he spoke low and scary. I crossed my arms "You wouldnt" I said cockily. He smirked "You smell delicious Jade" he whispered.

I laughed "Is this what you tell all of your other 'Friends with benefits'?" I asked him very amused, in an instant his eyes turned their normal blue "No" he answered smiling, "Sure!" I said smirking,

" I dont Jade, you smell different to all of the other people I ever went out with, you smell...well good" he said looking at me with a serious face making me blush, I laughed nervously "Sure Ashton"

I opened my eyes awakening from my dream and took a deep breath trying to unlock my frozen stiff muscles.

I rolled over to the side and let out a chocked sob, God I hated dreaming about us! About him! I hated dreaming the memories we once lived. I hated to remember!

I sniffled and tried calming down as I thought about my dream, my perfect exact memory of what had happened the very first time I went out with him. We had gone to eat ice cream on a cloudy gray day because he had said I could chose wherever I wanted to go.

I still remember feeling nervous but excited at the same time about going with him on a date. Those had been the exact words we had said to each other when we had been across from each other eating ice cream, I was the one doing the eating, he just kept his beautiful eyes on me.

I remember crystal clear the way I felt when he told me he didnt crave my blood. For some stupid reason I had felt disappointed.

I sniffled again and hugged my chest tightly curling into a little tight ball. How was it that I still remembered everything perfectly clear? By now I should've forgotten everything he said to me, but I didnt, my mind remembered everything, every little detail I remembered it perfectly in my dreams.

I have to stop remembering! I have to forget him, he wanted me to forget him, I kept repeating in my head over and over again until I fell asleep and continued to dream.

Of course my mind was being stubborn and I continued to dream about him.

"Jade..? What do I feel to you?" he asked. I turned back to him again, "What do you mean?" I asked, he nodded still not looking at me "Yeah I mean, usually when I touch a human they shiver or they get goosebumps. We're like ice! But when I touch you... you dont seem to have the same reaction" he said turning to look at my eyes.

I smiled "Oh! Well you're forgetting I'm half wolf Ashton..." I said. He nodded "So I dont feel cold to you?" he asked. I shook my head "Nope, you feel at a normal temperature, not to hot but not to cold either" I said smiling.

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