Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Jade P.O.V

"Drake!" I groaned falling from my bed to the floor with a thump.

"Ugh!" I groaned again as my head protested in pain, I squeezed my eyes, this was no hangover, this was hell! I knew I was going to get sick from that stupid cold water, my nose was stuffed and my head was pounding, every bone inside of me hurt, it was as if my whole body was weak like jelly, every now and then I got the chills but I felt hot all over. My mouth was so dry I think I was dehydrated!

"Drake!" I yelled again curling into a little ball, oh god I was going to puke again! I didnt care if this would be awkward, I didnt care about last night, that had all been forgotten! I needed Drake right now before I died! I didnt care about anything else other than this stupid pain that was slowly killing me!

"Drake come in here!" I yelled loudly groaning in pain again.

Please hurry up and come, come help me please! Something is wrong with me!

At three am a pain in my stomach woke me up, I thought maybe it was a hangover or maybe I had drank too much but the pain kept increasing, up until the point were I was rolling in pain and clutching the sheets of my bed! I couldnt take it anymore! Something was wrong with me and I didnt know what!

I squeezed my eyes hard trying to get the nausea to pass, this sucked! I hadn't even drank that much and I was still sick!

"Drake!!!!" I shrieked so loudly I hurt my own ears.

A couple of more seconds and the door of my room was opened "What?" Drake asked with a groan stumbling into my room, looking around panicked, he looked down at me on the floor, the same pained look I probably had on my face mirrored his.

I took one look at him and knew it wasn't the damn beach that got us both sick! It had to be something else!

 His hair was messy, way messier than usual sticking up in every direction, his eyes were bloodshut and he looked pale, his whole face looked kind of clammy and he was wearing sweats and a jacket, he was dressed as if he would go out to run, even though the house was warm, his whole face was pained the same probably as me.

"Are you sick too?" I grumbled groaning in pain when I felt the sudden cramps in my stomach again "Oh" I moaned in pain curling into a tighter ball.

"I think so" he mumbled tiredly sliding down onto the floor leaning against the wall closing his eyes, he looked in pain even with his eyes closed.

"Maxia poisoned us! My stomach hurts so much!" I groaned hiding my face in my knees. That had to be it! There couldnt be any other explanation to why we both felt sick!

"No it wasnt the food" he grunted holding his stomach also.

"Then what was it?" I whispered maintaining another groan of pain in me, "Oh" I moaned again in pain clutching my stomach harder.

"I think it was the alcohol" he groaned too passing a hand through his messy hair.

I looked at him from the floor "How could it have been-" I stopped groaning again as another cramp struck my stomach "-the alcohol?" I managed to ask gasping in pain when I felt another big cramp passing through my stomach.

"I dont know, all I know is that we somehow got sick in-" he stopped also groaning in pain.

"How come you're sick? Arent werewolf's supposed to have like, good defenses against any type of virus? Dont you guys heal fast?" I asked weakly.

He nodded "Yeah we usually do, thats why we never usually get sick, but this....I dont know, it must've been something strong that got us like this, I cant even feel my wolf that much" he whispered letting out a deep breath.

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