Chapter 24

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A:N/ New chapter here make sure to read author's note at the end of the chapter.




Then it all happened too fast, Dad was one second next to mom and the next he was pushing me so hard away I fell to the ground and had time to only see how he pushed Tommy out of the way also and gripped Ashton tightly by the neck squeezing so hard I heard a crack.

I laid on the floor, staring at my dad, slowly killing Ashton.

Jade P.O.V

I was frozen.

I couldn't move.

The air had left my lungs completely.

My anger had melted away, I felt numb.

Emotionless even.

It was as if all of my emotions had been switched off.

The only thing my eyes saw was Ashton in dad's hands.

I winced when I heard the crack and I realized with horror dad was going to brake Ashton's neck.

I couldnt breathe, I couldnt move, just watch helplessly the scene in front of me.

Everything seemed like it was going in slow motion.

I felt like the same way like when the vampires came and attacked, I felt like everything was going too slow.

My worst nightmare was about to be accomplished.

Dad was going to kill Ashton, and I was going to watch.

No! He cant die, my inner voice told me angrily. Do something, it told me desperately.

I cant move, I thought back.

Stop him!!! My inner voice screamed loudly with panic.

Then a stinging pain brought me out of my trance.

I looked down quickly at my hand to see a little trail of blood oozing down my middle finger, I blinked in surprise and saw that what had actually made the cracking noise was a vase I had knocked down with me when dad had pushed me out of the way.

I looked back up to see Ashton struggling with dad, I dont know if it was just me and my shock but to me he looked paler. He snapped his dark eyes to mine, widening them when he saw the blood on my hand.

I broke out my slow motion trance, it had been just a couple of quick passing seconds, but to me it had felt like an eternity.

One minute I was confronting my mother and the next I was on the ground watching my father trying to brake my boyfriends neck.

My heart pounded in my ears, the blood pumped loudly in my heart,  I was quivering from head to toe terrified, my heart was literally in my mouth! The air slowly whooshed out of me as I snapped out of it.

"DAD!" I screamed horrified scrambling up from the floor and running to him like a maniac.

I jumped over Tommy who laid on the floor shocked, and ran to dad and Ashton praying he wouldnt brake his neck!

"Nicole no!" Drake tried to pull me away but I jerked away and ran to dad not caring right now about anything else other than my vampire!

I reached him and pulled on his hands frantically trying to get them off Ashton's precious neck.

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