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(AN - Once again, someone has made me a beautiful cover! It's wonderful! Thanks so much @illicit !! xx

So I wrote this up super quickly as a means to make as many chapters as I possibly can while I can still write -.- It's a little long for my taste but I was having a hard time ending it [I suppose I'm a little rusty!] I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.

Song #136: [play now] Shiver by Coldplay <3)

🌸Maisie Mayfield🌸
Monday, May 11th, 2015

"Wake up, love." I hear a murmur seep into my unconsciousness as I roll over and snuggle into the warmness, refusing to listen. "Come on, baby. We need to get to school." Something soft brushes against my ear, tickling me in the process.

I groan, pulling myself closer to the warmth that seems to be reaching out to me and bringing me into its grasp. The warmth chuckles, vibrating me into a slight awareness. Without warning I'm picked up, removed from the coziness of my bed and brought out into the arctic air of the morning. Whining with shut eyes, I wrap myself around the remaining heat; even though it betrayed my trust.

"Fine. I guess I'll just have to get you ready for school myself," he sighs with a laugh in his voice. "Don't blame me when you're dressed like a homeless person." He lays me back on the bed as I smile into the peaceful darkness.

After a few seconds of silence and blissful sleep, his hands gently begin to fuss over me, putting layers on me as I complain sleepily, trying to push them away. He quickly pulls off the large t-shirt, replacing it with some
thing much more uncomfortable and restricting. My mind still in a hazy slumber as he once again cradles me in his strong arms and brings me somewhere. Just as I fall back into the darkness, his hands are in my hair as hot water massages my head.

It's decided. I'm never waking up again.

"Don't say I never do anything for you," the husky voice, that pulls at my heartstrings, whispers into my ear before he places a soft kiss on my cheek. "You're going without make-up. But you're perfect without it, so don't stress when you finally wake up." His large arms resume to pick me up after he's finished pulling gently at my now wet hair.

With a loud exhale, I snuggle back into his body heat and drop back into the land of dreams.

(AN - Song #136: [continue to play to the end of the song]
Song #137: [play after] You're Such A by Hailee Steinfeld [idk y but this song just reminds me of Cara...like how she doesn't give up on getting with Isaac lmao.])

Isaac Cohan
May 11/15 - Mon

Damn, my girlfriend is fucking adorable.

My arms hold her sleeping body protectively as I carefully bring her out from my cars backseat. Normally I would let her sleep in, but she's already missed so much school because of me. I may not need this human high-school education, but she certainly does. I don't want to mess up the life she's worked so hard for.

My eyes sweep over my girl as she turns her head into my chest. She looks like a good type of angel with her porcelain skin and slightly flushed cheeks. Her lips pursed slightly while her fists clutch at my t-shirt. We stayed up way too late last night; I'll have to make sure she gets her rest from now on. God knows she would just stay up all night with me again and again if I let her --not that it sounds like a bad thing to me. But she's human and she needs her rest to stay healthy.

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