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(AN - Hello again! Thanks so much for coming back. I hope it's worth it!

So many questions.
It's overwhelming, isn't it? 😏 hehe.

Song #47: [play this magical number now] Ghost by The Acid)

🌸Maisie Mayfield🌸

"You're going to love her," Greer says enthusiastically, tugging my hand towards the spot Kayla decided to meet us at.

Despite the fact I'm sure I've met Kayla before, I can't seem to remember her. It's all blurry every time I try to think of her face. I told Greer this and Kayla and her set up a day for her and I to get to know one another; today.

The air has a warm spring vibe in it as we cross the green grass towards the weeping willow trees. To say it's beautiful when we step pass the curtain-like leaves would be a huge understatement. It's like walking into a whole different world that's been taken over by nature.

I almost completely miss the black haired beauty sitting on an old quilted blanket. She seems to blend right into the beautiful scenery.

"Kayla!" Greer smiles excitedly as she drags me over to the modelesque girl with long black silky hair and almost translucent skin. She is beyond beautiful.

Kayla opens her eyes -which are almost silver- and turns her attention to me after smiling a heartwarming smile at Greer. I can't deny the mixed feeling over my sexuality as I watch how gracefully she does everything. I'm not sure, but I think Isaac might have a new found competitor for my heart.

"Maisie," the lone name sends a shiver down my back as her melodic, silky voice pronounces it in a way that won't bother the nature around her.

"Whoa," I let slip out of my wonderstruck mouth. My eyes widen and my cheeks tinge pink. "You're like..." I hesitate not knowing the right word for her, "-magical." I settle on which causes her to laugh gently at my flustered mess of a brain.

Kayla watches me with an amused smile on her gorgeous face. "Guinevere, I quite like your friend. She's so..." She crooks her head and looks directly into my eyes, "innocent."

Holy crap. I can feel my whole body heat up under her gaze. What is happening to me? I shake my head and quickly sit down with the two of them. I look at Greer and send her a look that says it all -holy damn, you lucky bitch.

She telepathically sends back a look that says, 'I know' before once again watching Kayla with a dazed look in her eyes.

"So, Guinevere tells me that you're in love," Kayla smiles kindly at me, making my insides melt a little.

"Y-yeah." I stutter out as her silver eyes hold me captive like a spell, "Isaac -or something like that." My voice is barely a whisper as I tell her about somebody named Isaac whom I think I love? Who can tell when in her company?

"Isaac Cohan," she tells me slowly in that whispery soft voice of hers.

At once flashes of his face pass through me, making my cheeks heat up. "Yeah, Isaac Cohan. That's his name." I sigh happily, thinking about his arms around me.

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