AN: Possible Spin Off ?!?!?!

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Hey guys! I'm super stoked!!

So while writing Chapter 23, I mentioned the Academy Isaac went to in the demon dimension... And it got me inspired. What a great idea for a book!

I don't know if I'll write it sometime in the near future or what but I definitely want to make it an MPB*

It's going to be all about students in the Academy (which is either going to be a strictly Demon thing or maybe a Demon and Angel thing... We'll see.) and whatever. It should be interesting! Most likely will have romance too 😊

Obviously I don't have a plot or anything yet, but I'll figure it out! It will be different from this book but will be like looking into Isaacs past (maybe it WILL be Isaacs past? Make him and Radley characters in it [not the main ones though since we want romance and CLEARLY Isaac can't be with anyone other than Maisie ;)]?) I just wanted to let you guys know so in case you were interested! Make sure you vote and stuff for it when I post it so I know whether you think I should go for it or not :)

Plus if there's a lot of votes on it, it'll most likely be chosen faster out of all of the other books. The whole 'demand' thing.. Y'know.

Okay thanks!!! I'm so excited to hear what you think!

*MPB = a book in my reading list 'My Possible Books' (as in book ideas that I will probably continue someday.)


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