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(AN - You're back!! You're just too good to me :3

Someone new is introduced in this chapter! You'll see more of her in chapter 21. 👌🏻I love her hair 😻


[My music taste in this chapter for Isaac is slightly different than the norm. I was feeling too lazy to search for a badass song when I wrote this chapter a while ago. Personally I think they work but in case you don't.. well that's why.]

Song #68: [play now] Shine A Light by Banners)

Isaac Cohan
April 25/15 - Sat
Day 3 (demon time)

"What are we going to do, Isaac?" Radley runs his hand through his blond hair as he paces around the soundproof glass room. "Could it be true?" He stops and peers at me as if he's able to tell just by looking at me.

"It's the RFA," I shake my head, scowling as I rhythmically tap my fingers onto a glass work desk. "It's not unlike them to lie to cause a distraction."

"Isaac, if you can change the written paths yourself, you won't have to make a deal with the Angels." Radley points a look at me expectedly, coming to a stop at the black couch that faces away from the desk.

I close my eyes, "We have no idea what the consequences would be." I sigh frustratedly, turning in slow circles in the black leather desk chair trying to think of an answer. "Everything has consequences, Rad. You learned that the hard way, remember?" I plant my feet on the light hardwood floor and stand up from his desk, thinking about the time he forgot to finish writing the path for a human. The abrupt way the path ended sent that human into despair until he ended his own life. Who knows what would happen if a path is suddenly changed.

Radley cringes at the memory, "what do you think they want with you?"

Gathering up the sprawled papers on the desk, I hand them to him. "That's what I want to know. It can't be good. Angels lose their ability to save lives when they fall. Viviana and a few other's are the only Fallen Angels that have found a way to get their powers back and then some." I blow out a breath. "I can only imagine that they want total control over the human populace. But I don't get why or how..." I trail off, trying to piece together everything I've learned.

"Wait, so these files on Viviana are from before she fell?" He asks, looking at the papers I just handed him. "She was powerful," he whispers, swallowing loudly.

"Something happened right before she fell," I explain, "it was like she just cracked. I think it's what made her help start up the RFA's. Once we know why, we should be able to stop her." I sigh again, looking at the clock on the TV. "I'll come back when I get more. I need to go discuss my mission with Big Al."

"Don't make me wait so long next time." He grumbles, arching his eyebrow at me. "Alazar wants to kill me and you're out there with the girl pretending to be human."

I chuckle, "maybe you shouldn't betray my father next time. He'll get over it eventually. Once we put an end to the RFA's you'll be back on missions, Rad."

"You better be right, Izzy. I need to see my girl. I can't stand being locked up in this impenetrable glass box." He hisses, his demon getting worked up like a wild animal in a cage.

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