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(AN - HOLY FREAKING COW CRAP. 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩FIVE FLIPPING HUNDRED VOTES. WHAT. Thank you, thank you, thank you <3

Yo my homies. One word for you; Kayla.

Did that refresh everything that happened last chapter? Well I assure you at least one question will be answered in this [granted, lots more will arise 😅]

Read on my pretties.

Song #50: [play now] Nitesky by Robot Koch)

Isaac Cohan
April 21/15 - Tue

A lit up 'H' in the distance appears before my eyes and I feel my throat tighten at the mere thought that Maisie is hurt.

Dammit Maisie, please be okay.

My demon cries in pain once I stop running at the hospitals parking lot. Maisie's parents have just pulled up as they rush out of their car and into the hospital.

I hesitate, feeling the intense wave of violent shivers fall down my back seemingly having no end to them. As one tremble ends another begins until I'm practically vibrating. Pure ecstasy like feelings cloud my head as my demon tries once again to take control.

For demons, hospitals are an all you can eat buffet. Except it's so much that only demons with unhealthy consumption intake tend to hangout here -the demon equivalent to addicts. And since I'm part non-demon, souls affect me differently. They not only drive my demon with an overwhelming desire to feed, but they darken my human heart. Long story short, they make me mad in a very deadly way.

Clenching my jaw and pushing my demon back as far as I can, I walk step after painful step into the brightly lit building. My hands tighten into fists as my body trembles in complete madness. People watch me with fear in their eyes as I make my way towards the desk, no longer able to find Maisie just by her scent anymore.

"Maisie Mayfield," I growl out in a thickened voice at the receptionist, "where is she?" I spit out of my clenched teeth as the girl shakes in fear.

"W-what's y-your relation to her?" Her hands shake as she looks through the recent files.

My eyebrows furrow as I snarl in anger; why does it matter, you stupid human! "JUST TELL ME WHERE SHE IS!" My demon slips through for a second before I hastily push him back before I cause too much of a scene and the security guards have to be involved.

"I c-can't, sir. Unless y-you're her immediate family." Her eyes water as I terrify her without even tying to. "What is sh-sh-she to you?"

What is she to me? Who the hell cares what she is to me! I love her, you goddamn fool. I'm going to smash your head in if you don't tell me where the HELL my Maisie is.

I'm going to kill her.

I close my eyes as I try to shut off the scent of hundreds of souls in pain around me. "She's everything to me." I whisper thickly, "please." I beg as my body shakes in pain and bliss all at the same time.

"S-sir! Your hands!" She gasps in horror, making me open my eyes and glance down.

Ignoring the sight of my bloodied hands completely ripped into shreds, I turn back to the young girl with narrowed eyes. "I couldn't care any fucking less about my hand! Where is my Maisie." My voice is low and intimidating, causing her to rethink her options as I threaten her. Because I will kill her if she doesn't tell me this instant.

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