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(AN - Helloooo absolutely beautiful and most awesomest person on this planet... Yes, I'm talking to you --the one reading this right now at this very moment in time. I do hope you enjoy this chapter. 🖖🏻😎

KAYLA is in it. Ouuu. What's going to happeeeenn 😨😥 READ ON TO FIND OUT NOW! 😁

Song #57: [play now] Up & Beyond by Wildcat! Wildcat!)

Isaac Cohan
April 23/15 - Thurs

Taking a deep breath I turn to Maisie. "She's not human." I repeat, not really knowing what else I should tell her.

Maisie huffs, her lips vibrating against each other as she rolls her pretty eyes, "yes. I already know that, Isaac." Her voice full of attitude.

I poke her side, making her giggle, "Patient, little one. I'm trying to sort it out in my head." I shake my head smiling amusedly. "Okay, so, you know how I'm a demon, right?" I start off with a wrinkle on my forehead as I frown in thought.

"What?!" She gasps making me roll my eyes at her theatrics. "Y-you're a d-d-d-d-"

"Yes, Scooby-doo, I'm a d-d-d-demon." I laugh, "you should stop hanging out with Guinevere and watching cartoons." I kiss her cute nose.

"Okay, sorry. I'm just a little..." She falters, looking down at her fidgety hands, "scared I guess. Kayla put me in the hospital by just talking to me." She laughs nervously.

And I want to kill her for that. "I know, Sunshine. I won't let it happen again." I murmur, trying to sooth her as I rub my thumb against her hand. "Okay, well. There are also Angels." I squeeze her hand.

She tilts her head in curiosity, "are you guys like archenemies? Do they try to stop you from stealing our souls?" Despite her promise to stop teasing, Maisie starts playfully smiling, "do they sit on top of clouds and play the harp while watching over us humans."

I chuckle, loving her quirky mind, "basically, except we're not enemies. We're actually the same type of being, just with different powers. They can save humans while demons can-" I stop and look at Maisie with a cringe, "-not save humans. We do take their souls but it's not to hurt them or anything; if we don't take their souls they're left wondering around and-"

"It's okay, I'm not scared of you." She sits on my lap and wraps her legs around me when she notices my ramble to defend myself. "It's the circle of life right? But keep going." She urges me forward as she watches me intently.

"Well, Angels can become Fallen Angels by disobeying the rules. I won't get into those because there's a lot. Basically if you step out of line you get your wings clipped." I look at her and her face is set into concentration; trying to take it all in. "Kayla is a Fallen Angel," I finally tell her. "There's a group of Fallen Angels that are trying to go against my fathers...company. We have something that they want." I brush her hair back as she looks at me worriedly, "Kayla is using you to get to me. She knows I care for you and she's going to use it to her advantage."

"I'm sorry," her pink lips turn into a frown as her forehead crinkles in worry; apologizing to me for putting her life in danger.

"Maisie, don't be ridiculous." I hold her arms tightly, pulling her body against me, "there's nothing you need to apologize for." I kiss her blonde head. "But there's more," I whisper and she sits up abruptly, banging her head on my hard chin in the process.

Ignite My InsanityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora