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I was using my game host voice for that. You're welcome. 💁🏼

But seriously, welcome back! Thanks for sticking around, I hope you enjoy. It's full of fun twists and turns this chapter ;) I honestly love this one.

Song #34: [play now] Under Your Spell by Desire [not the one with the girls talking (lmao "forever ever? Forever ever? Forever ever?") Most annoying thing ever.]
Song #35: [play when Maisie is finished fantasizing over Isaac] Blush by Wolf Alice)

🌸Maisie Mayfield🌸
Monday, April 20th, 2015

Since one unexpected gush of wind could result in me being in some very disturbing and life scarring situations, I decide to catch up on my writing and stay seated. Since Isaac, I haven't been able to do much of it lately; he's so time consuming. So I cross my legs and grab my notebook; readying myself to begin another adventure with Lucy & Henry and their Killer Alien Hamster.

"Maisie, you have some explaining to do." I hear just as Henry's arm gets chomped off in full fledged gore by a possessed Lucy -I think Isaacs demon might be influencing my life.

"Shoot," I mutter, losing my train of thought as I once again find myself wondering where Isaac is and how many days it's been for him now.

I wonder if he's thinking of me while I think of him? But I guess like hours have gone by for him since I even started thinking this thought. Whoa, that's actually super hard to wrap my head around. I mean, it's all the same time yet... It's not. How does that even work? I mean, a demons day's the same length as it is here except a week passes by in one of my days. And what about the phone calls between the two dimensions; I mean they last the same time as a normal one except it should only last a blip of a second in this dimension. How does this even make-

"Maisie!" Jordan's pissed off voice shakes me out of my head as his hazel eyes pierce me with hurt and anger.

"Jordan?" I frown, feeling worried for my close childhood friend. I stand up and begin to walk towards him. "What's wrong? Did one of your girlfriends say something mean to you? You know they only say those things because they're hurt. It's not true, Jor."

"Stop it! I don't give a crap about any of those girl!" He growls -Isaac can definitely out growl him any given day of the week though.

Isaac's growl is deep, low, angry and husky and reverberates deep inside of me. It heats up my whole body like invisible friction from his vocal chords is hitting my skin and burning it while also making a trail of goosebumps fall down my spine. His animalistic growl causes me to tremble with excitement and fright, waiting and wanting so much more. His eyes turn into that icy blue that seem to darken with lust; holding my own eyes captive. It creates the slow agonizing pain deep in my stomach, burning down into my core making my skin blush with lust and need as I wait; wait for the same lips that were growling seconds ago to kiss my yearning lips with that burning passion and intensity that makes my toes curl; wait for his hands to hold me desperately against him, tickling me as they move slowly down my skin; wait for him to pick me up in his strong muscular arms, wrap my legs tightly around him and press himself onto my throbbing core making me cry out; wait for him to devour every inch of my body with his soft lips that love to make me scream out his name; wait for him to lower his lips to my sensitive skin, nibbling and biting, making me drip with just his hot breath tickling me and making me moan frustratedly wanting so much more until he finally rips-

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